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RE: Have You Had Something Stolen From You?

in #life6 years ago

Not just in India,

In Atlanta USA, - someone stole my Car wheels and left wooden blocks under it 😢😢😢😢
Luckily I had insurance and recovered them but the pain of waiting was always ther.

Going back to 2007, when I was doing my engineering, my new Sony WT810i was stollen from my pocket in a crowded BMTC bus.
I was shouting thief thief but the passengers in the bus seemed careless 😢😢 that was the biggest loss in 2007.

In 2003, my bag with books (New reference books from Bangalore to native) and some cash went missing which never came back. Felt it was an intentional pick.

These were some important moments I could remember in flash.

Even after being very careful we tend to loose what we have things we like and people we love.

Make sure everything has a right way of getting back to it. Either substances things and data as back up or person as a true friend ☺️

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays👍👍

Thanks for sharing the post which made me remember the things I lost and things I gained back ☺️☺️☺️

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