Everything in moderation! Also - Be very wary of where you pick your blackberries from... In UK especially, there is a tendency to pick them from hedges and roadside bushes. This can prove detremental!
Not only do the bushes accumillate roadside exhaust emissions, but pick them from a hedge next to a farmers crop field and you could be risking a pesticidal concentrated berry. This is due to the year on year effect of exposure to the adjacent pesticide spraying. Just be wary! DO NOT eat them next to a crop field, you could be eating a ROUND-UP cocktail!
I always get mine from either the woods or hedgerows next to grazing pasture land....
An excellent source of summer 'booty' and free! Great article man!
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Good point, I'm lucky to live in an area that doesn't spray and there is not much traffic. As always observe before picking! Have a great day!