Facing laws that police language and kidnap children
Dan Dicks of Press For Truth went to the East Side Pride rally to see how the LGBTQ community feels about Bill C-16 and Bill 89.
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Dan Dicks of Press For Truth went to the East Side Pride rally to see how the LGBTQ community feels about Bill C-16 and Bill 89.
Great stuff, thanks for the video. keep up the great work. will follow
I haven't been watching you for very long, but in the last couple months I've caught up on most of you videos on YT.
I really do like the way you report, keeping cool, and progressing your methods over the years.
Thanks for your work.
If people agree with those bills they are the close minded people they claim not to be. The laws are wrong and totally against freedom.
Like you say, its not freedom. But they feel entitled to make others the minority. And because the elite are allowing and enabling it the sheep will go along with it.
Thanks for that post Dan. I appreciate what you're doing. Do you know that Meme already? :)
Keep on "fighting the good fight" Dan. God Bless.
Thanks for sharing upvoted and followed
Terrific report -- good discussion and a rich assortment of views!
With all the false flags in the NWO march toward a global police state, this looks suspiciously like more 'problem reaction solution,' where the solution becomes more top down state control.
In the meantime there are far greater issues such as the parade of false flags and the subsequent shredding of constitutional rights in favour of martial law.
There is the ever-present underlying corruption of the monetary system that enslaves us all, stealing easily fifty cents on every dollar we make from individual and public revenue which floods into private bankster coffers. (We pay interest, to a bank which loans nothing, on our own promissory notes which are not the promissory notes of the bank. These are then called dollars.)
The corporations steal natural resources at pennies a ton from the public and are also subsidized with free use of public infrastructure and services.
Then there is the military industrial complex and the black budget raking in oceans of public wealth -- while the military threat of 'terrorism,' Muslim and domestic, is all false flag fakery created at our expense. (Keep in mind that income taxes account for only about 20% of public income, not enough to pay the interest on the phoney debt.)
Off-shored jobs means that corporations pay third world cost of production, then selling at low end first world prices (without tariffs) -- while availing themselves of a first world infrastructure and market they no longer pay for in first world wages and taxes.
They apply 'divide and conquer,' focusing in on relatively minor controversies that divide society -- while the public as a whole is kept unaware of the monumental transgressions against them which should unite us all in a common cause.
nice video really
I didn't know you were on steemit. Best decision ever. Great video as usual.
Really need to get professor Jordan Peterson here on Steemit!
Thanks for sharing the video ! People have lots of interesting things to say :D
Damn you made me laugh ! :D
I wasn't even allowed to dye my hair at that age (kid in picture), let alone make the decision to leave the house because of it. I'm glad for it too. I learned about fads and how not to join them. I learned to be a stray sheep. Now here I am, unprogrammed and working hard to stay free.
The triumph of persuasion over force is the sign of a civilized society.
A thinking mind doesn't justify statism.
Very interesting. You get a wide array of people in Vancouver that's for sure. Nice video Dan.
I recently heard about both of these bills via a YouTube video on a channel called SGT Report. And knowing that free speech was being eroded at a frigtening pace over just the last couple of years, it is even more terrifying to think that if Bill C-16 finally passes it may set a horrific presedent. Not to mention the states increased fervour to steal our children with Bill 89. The powers that should never be want to reduce our population by any means necessary and this is another way they will achieve it; steal our kids and promote the absurdity of more than 2 genders. I do however understand that humans as adults have a level of rights to behave in whatever ways they deem suitable, but to enforce this on children. Thats insanity!!! Most children will play dress up and play with toys of the opposite gender but these acts are most often phases that children grow out of. And i truly feel that the only reason for the increase in kids 'associating' as the opposite gender is through indoctrination through means such as their parents fear to question or look bad, government funded programs, the current hip trend of multi-genders to name a few. To me this is all to ensure depopulation and keep the elite in control of population growth. And to police gender pronouns is equally nuts!! I have watched the Press for Truth videos and so many dont have a clue about the LBGT+ acronyms, let alone have a coherent voice on gender pronouns. But they still think its great to chuck people in jail for not using Ze etc. I weep for humanity and its decent in to madness, stupidity and blind subservience. But that is just me, or is it?!