'Just a normal day(and I've always loved that, thanks everyone)' and
"A couple more came to defend their use of "aids"(paid votes)" Un-quote.... Observant and wide awake Pricasso noticed you, my sire, forgot a space between the brackets ;P as for the 'a$$holes' part, I like that you added that (game changer) gave me a most pleasant chuckle ;)
I am Pricasso most wonderful artist and I thank you for your support and appreciation of the worlds most decadent fine and wonderful art 'Pricasso Style' . It does not go un-noticed and really means the world to me and I really appreciate it
Be blessed and thanks again.
Yours Always
Sometimes I make mistakes. Other times I'm too lazy to Google grammar lessons I once aced then forgot. These scars give my work character.
Absolutely and agreed my Sire, scars are what make us who we are, no better teacher than experience, Most perfect, imperfections are what mould us and make us human!
Have a legendary weekend!
Yours Always