Everyone knows the greatest importance of money. The mere facts about its uses and power is absolutely undeniable. If you have plenty of it, then you can almost have everything in this world, even power.
There are lots of things that money cannot buy. It is the happiness which can only get from those things you loved and who truly loves you. Respect of other people, because respect is priceless but can be hardly earned from others, you need to respect others before they respect you too. The trust, we knew that trust isn't an easy thing to get, we should build trust from someone else, once we ruined it, it might be forgiven but not be forgotten. Friendship and love, it is one of the most hard to earn, you might have lots of friends but not all of them are your true friends or loved ones, you will know it in time.
Time, this is the most priceless things in the universe, we exist for in this planet for today, but might vanished in a snap, we will never know when, while those billions of money can't be used to bargain even a seconds of time.
wow so great post I am motivated of your post
I choose love