How to Deal with Toxic People: Things you need to know for you to avoid them

in #life7 years ago


Even if toxic people came into your life with warning inked on her skin, it might be still hard to keep away from them. We can always decide to whoever we want to be close to us and It's not always easy to cut toxic people in some parts of our lives in just seconds...Coz they might be our bosses, workmates, in law's, step-someone, friends... and the list go on

Surviving to their ups and downs, lightning bolts of their moodiness are quite challenging. But it is important to remember, that maybe they are having superstorms in their lives.They maybe ill, chronically worried, or lacking what the need in terms of love and emotional support. This kind of people needs such care and support.

Being able to spot their detrimental behaviour is the first step to minimizing their impact. You might not be able to change what they do, but you can always change on what you do with it.

There are plenty of things that a toxic people do to manipulate thing, people and situations to their benefit. Knowing them might help you avoid falling under their influence. Here are some of my personal advice:


1.Get over them.

If you know someone who's has never given up on his destructive emotional atmosphere, then be clear: his toxic. And i you are suffering because of his attitude, and your patience, compassion and advice doesnt seem to help them, then you need to ask yourself " Do i even need this person in my life?"

When you delete toxic people in your life your environment will be a lot way easier to breath on. Get over with this people. Move forward if you must! Letting them go doesn't mean you hate them, or wish them harm; it simply means you care about your own being.

If you must keep a truly toxic people in your life for whatever reason, then consider the remaining strings..


2.Stop pretending their behaviour is OK.

They sometimes use their moody behaviour to get preferential treatment. Don't be fooled! Toxic people don't change if they are rewarded for not changing. Stop tiptoeing around them or making special pardons for their continued aggression.


3.Speak Up!

Stand up for yourself. Toxic people will do anything for personal gain at the expense of others. Stop accepting these kind of behaviours. Most of these people know they're doing the wrong thing and quickly back down when confronted.These people tend to keep quite in most social settings until one person speaks up. so SPEAK UP!

In this way you can tell them everything that you don't like about their toxic personalities. They maybe surprised, or even outraged, and would think you had trespassed onto their behavioral territory but still speak up anyway. At least you've made them aware that their attitude has become grease to someone else. In that, they will stop using it as a personal tool to manipulate others whenever they want.

And if they persist in denial, the its time to..


4.IGNORE them.

The dignity that you have might be attacked, ravaged and disgracefully mocked, but it can never be taken away from you unless you surrender with the situation. Its all about defending your grounds.

Let them feel that you can never be insulted or belittled. Truly, toxic people will pollute everything around them , including you if you allow them.


5.Take time for yourself.

Make sure you get to have time for yourself to think of things. If you really dont have a choice but to live or worked with them you'll be needing a spare time to unleash everything out. Dont let their toxicity affect you . Understand that even clinical illness and legitimate problems are comprehend-able, which means you can always excuse yourself when you need to.

You deserve this time away. You deserve to think peacefully from toxic behaviors. No puzzles to solve, boundaries to uphold, or personalities to please.

The floor is yours..

What are your experiences with toxic people? What have you done to escape from their inhumane beahvior? Please share your reflections by leaving a comment bellow.