It's a basic law of physics I try to tell everyone unfortunately people think I'm mad because I'm a hobo. I don't use money & don't have to, people stop in the street to try & give me change & don't understand that I don't want it or need it to live. Life is about getting what you want from it if you want wealth fine go get it. I plump for health first truth second happiness third & love fourth that's what I want in life & have it in abundance. It's all about the power of thought I don't direct my thought anywhere I just think it. Every time I wake up it's not always morning in my case because I only sleep when I'm tired but every time I wake up I think "I am eternal, I am immortal I am universal, I am infinite & I am beautiful give me today all I need I am eternally grateful & ready to receive. That's it I think it again before I sleep the same words every time. The world then without exception brings me what I need everyday it brings me the people that I need to meet it brings me food it brings me water & it brings me entertainment. It's never failed me. Years ago I was 14 & living on the streets I lost my only sibling to cancer & my parents disowned me as they are Jehovah's witnesses & I didn't think that was right my gut feeling told me it was wrong & that was me out on the streets. I was told I was worthless & would never amount to anything. They hoped I would come back with my tail between my legs it didn't happen I went on to earn a 3 figure salary marry a beautiful woman have 2 beautiful intelligent children see the world and help out many people less fortunate than me. Now I don't even use money I don't even want it or want even to touch it & people don't understand it just makes me laugh I don't need it I am complete without it if I earn anything on here it will go to charity I wake up & there is money next to me some kind soul has dropped it off & it all goes straight to charity I wouldn't even buy myself a cup of tea with it. If I want a cup of tea a cup of tea finds me if I want anything it finds me. I had someone say to me so you can win the lottery then I said yes if I wanted to I'm sure I could but I don't want to it wouldn't make me happy. Just to prove a point anyway they came with me to the local shop and I said lend me a pound & I will buy you a winning scratchcard but I will only win you your money back I will win a pound. It happened not once but 25 times on the trot until I had proved my point. The lady behind the counter who I never really said much too was stood there with her mouth wide open it's not possible they are pre printed tickets designed to make money the odds are beyond slim. The person who asked had it proved to them I told them you wont be able to pull that stunt it takes practice but please please look into the law of attraction it will change your life. If you practice it for as long as I have & master the art then you can pull stunts like that it's not a trick it's not magic. It's basic physics your thoughts are far more powerful than you know. Feel free to ask anything you like or criticize or whatever you like I'm new to steemit I joined yesterday excellent post Mike everyone should know.
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