Look Steemit cups Dad!

in #life8 years ago

IMG_20170627_174835_hdr_kindlephoto-88223919.jpgNow I know these are not actual Steemit cups , but I really appreciated the gesture and his zeal for Steemit and @ a buck apiece who could go wrong! Thank you for your time and have a great weekend!My ten year old son came home from shopping yesterday and came running in the door all excited proclaiming he had a surprise for me. I never would have guessed what he had for me . Low and behold he pulls out these 2 cups ,one for me and one for him and makes the statement "now we both have steemit cups!" I was so touched that he would do this and how excited he gets about Steemit . He is always making suggestions of things I should do for post and taking pictures and videos for me. He is very excited about the potential that Steemit could have in our family unit for providing some income and he feels like he is helping @provider get the job done! Here is a photo of one of the cups!


Cool, Steemit should invest in their own coffee shop hehe.

Thanks @bitcoinparadise! Yeah , that would be sweet.

A good son for sure. Perhaps soon he will have his own account on Steemit and can start building for the future like the @little-peppers.

Thanks Luke !Yeah he is a fine boy , I 've thinking about opening his own account on Steemit.

When you do, let me know. My cousin Bo's boy can always count on an upvote from me.

Will do Luke !