How many people really think about their lives?

I mean REALLY think about their lives. I was pondering this the other day while watching the Cuale River flow by. Socrates admonished the citizens of Athens to examine their lives or merely exist and die an ignoble death, Socrates himself preferred death to an unexamined life.
When accused by the city state's authorities for corruption of the youth, he could have stopped his philosophical teachings but chose death rather than live a quiet life of unquestioning obedience to the city-state and its teachings.
Currently, I am outside my own culture (the U.S. of A.) and interacting with others who views things much differently and have a unique perspective about living what the ancient philosophers, such as Socrates would have called "the good life" or a life of virtue, rather than say a purely unthinking hedonistic one.

I have begun a process of questioning my own life, specifically the beliefs I was taught and hereto have blindly followed. Cultural beliefs, family expectations, religious, as well as academic dogma: all these dimensions contribute to how I live my life and my momentum (as well as others, I suspect).
Leading a life based on those various programmed dimensions, in an unquestioning fashion is what propels most people throughout their lives. One of my favorite podcasters, Joe Rogan of The Joe Rogan Experience calls this issue "moving through life based on momentum."
I like this term because it accurately reflects how people are moving through life all around me. I discuss this issue at length with my online coaching clients. It starts with the question: "Are you living a life based on reason and mindful research or are you living a life based on others' expectations and norms?"

Now, I am asking myself this question. I had thought I was more enlightened, more mindful of this issue than others, until I started traveling and was exposed to how others live in a different culture than my own. In my middle class, first world culture, I was raised to constantly reach for "the brass ring" but for what? To impress people many times I secretly despise I suppose.
Recently, besides spending more time outside my borders (both figuratively and literally), I have undertaken a study of the philosophy of the ancient Stoics, mainly what is termed the later Roman Stoics, since I am interested in their Ethics, or leading a "good life." I have discussed using the Stoic technique of deliberate discomfort in a previous post, in order to both appreciate comfort I have but understand it can be taken away at a moment's notice.
Another technique which I have started this week is to keep a daily journal as Marcus Aurelius did (published under the title Meditations, after his death, it was never meant for publication) while emperor of Rome.

I realize this post is different than previous posts. It is more personal in nature and I have decided for that reason to not add any backlinks or the usual marketing gimmicks. If no one reads this particular post, it simply does not matter because quite frankly, like Marcus Aurelius and his personal journal, this post was meant as a reminder to myself, stop living on momentum and live in accordance with nature by using your Zeus given reason!
"First say to yourself what you would be, and then do what you have to do." -Epictetus
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