Digital currencies @bitcoin @dash are to money as email was to the postal sevice - Disruptors
@Tesla Motors is a to GM, Ford, Chrysler as Electric Vehicles are to combustion engines - Disruptors
Digital camaras were to Kodak well a Killer. From a $30 Billion market cap in 1997 (size of Bitcion April 2017) to bankrupt by 2007.
Electric Self Driven Vehicles will be to Oil well as never seen before.
The worlds of politics and supreme state economies have been related to Oil prices for the past 100 years. Oil is power but for how much longer?
See Tony Curtis - Bitter Lake
The agreements and force of a consumption system that has determined the how, what, why and how much we must use to get around in our cities are countless.
Oil is power but for how much longer
"Oil fuels the most politically volatile regions in the world, yet we’ve decided to send military aid to unstable and untrustworthy dictators, because their oil is critical to our own security. For the last century, oil has dominated our economics and our politics. Oil is power."
“This is how Big Oil will die”
Now this new EV technology is on the verge of a Economic Convergence in favor of its users.
" technology is about to undo a century of political and economic dominance by oil. Big Oil will be cut down in the next decade by a combination of smartphone apps, long-life batteries, and simpler gearing. And as is always the case with new technology, the undoing will occur far faster than anyone thought possible"
Benefits of EV are huge
combustion engine has 2000 parts vs. Electric engine 20.
combustion engine cars last approx 150k electric engine 500k
car and trucks Fuel emissions are 15% of overall . EV well 0%
parts replacements in a car can be a few $1000 per year in an EV the most changed part will be the tires.
Also there is competition amongst US States and World Capitals as to who gives more freedom to test these vehicles. There is fear of losing out /FLO. In 2017, 33 US states have passed legislation to allow Self Driven cars testing in addition to last yeae in which the 20 states that 20 states introduced legislation.
With disruptive techonolgies such as Electric Vehicles and #crypto there is a Paradigm shift that empowes us (the users)
Gold and oil is power
Changes are happening.Thanks @cheffil.