How Important is HONESTY? ... What do YOU Value Most in Life?

in #life7 years ago

One of the MOST IMPORTANT things in life, at least for me, is HONESTY.

Sometimes I tend to assume that everyone holds honesty as their number one value in their lives too, so when I see other humans not following that particular 'Golden Rule,' it makes my heart hurt.

There are many humans that have a totally different value system, where MONEY for instance, is their number one goal or value. Money and greed tend to, but not always, go hand in hand.

To me, the tragedy about our capitalistic society, is that the value of honesty has lost it's place all together. For those who choose money and profits above all else, honesty seems to have no place at all.

Sarah Sanders said today in the press briefing, that the president "will continue to fight for the American Worker."

(courtesy MPR News)

He still continues to employ foreign countries to manufacture his clothing lines, and he has admitted to, and had to pay over $1 Million in a Labor Settlement for, stiffing 200 workers of a demolition crew prior to the building of Trump Tower.

(courtesy Salon)

Trump and Republicans in Congress have rolled back important worker protections, advanced nominees to key administration posts who have a history of exploiting working people, and taken other actions that further rig the system in favor of corporate interests and the wealthiest Americans.

According to an article in Economic Policy Institute, here are 10 actions he has taken in his so-called effort to fight for the American worker:

  1. Enacted tax cuts that overwhelmingly favor the wealthy over the average worker.
  2. Takes billions out of workers’ pockets by weakening or abandoning regulations that protect their pay.
  3. Blocked workers from access to the courts by allowing mandatory arbitration clauses in employment contracts.
  4. Pushes immigration policies that hurt all workers.
  5. Rolled back regulations that protect worker pay and safety.
  6. Stacked the Federal Reserve Board with candidates friendlier to Wall Street than to working families.
  7. Ensured Wall Street can pocket more of workers’ retirement savings.
  8. Stacking the Supreme Court against workers by appointing Neil Gorsuch (who has a record of ruling against workers and siding with corporate interests).
  9. Trying to take affordable health care away from millions of working people.
  10. Undercut key worker protection agencies by nominating anti-worker leaders.

(courtesy The Tribune Papers)

Thomas Jefferson

Well, nobody's perfect I guess!


I guess I was right... Honesty doesn't seem to be that important or interesting...