It's Been A Real Long Time

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Warning: I ramble, though I'm doing everything not to ramble, that might happen.

Been gone for a while and to be honest, I don't know if I'll keep managing this profile, however, this is about what I've been up to since I was last here.

After a lot of personal drama, I've been building myself back up again (All personal stuff can be found on my twitter @ Puppyfightz, you can also find cute bunny talk!!).

I lost a lot of confidence, but thanks to the people I met at TooSpooky I've grown some of it back. They've helped me in ways I could never fully repay them for (Currently I pay them back in being their biggest cheerleader and occasional financial supporter when I have the cash). I've learned so much from the artists and writers there.

I'm mainly an artist, but they've been teaching me so much about writing (Link to my very first public horror story: I have so much to learn and even asked people there for critique to which I got a lot and now am carrying that critique with me into the next horror fiction I write (Or should I say "Fear Fic").

I've been working to help people get paired up for future jobs and I hope that one day TooSpooky can be a much more lively place. Admittedly, according to everyone there, I'm the reason things have been going so well and I try not to let their overabundance of compliments get to my head as I'm truly not even close to great.

I'm also running a small "Young Artists Hangout" private Discord server where artists draw, write and more. I've seen all of the artists within there grow so much over the past months and I'd like to believe that's because I'm doing as much as I can to encourage them. We're also recently gained two new members who are both beginners and everyone's been so nice to them, I love the atmosphere of love and growth that I've managed to maintain.

It's been weird, hanging out with all these people, some older, some younger, but everyone is so kind and encouraging. I've never felt so loved.

That's my update, like I said, I don't know if I'll keep posting here.