So this weekend we celebrated an amazing birthday weekend. My younger sister turned twenty on Saturday… TWENTY, I mean seriously just yesterday she was sixteen, where has the time gone? And since we all have our birthdays so close together we had a combined birthday weekend.
Her boyfriend and his family had a party for her at their house on Saturday. We weren’t going to go because my dad had something planed for all of us on Sunday and we didn’t have enough money for two parties, but we ended up going anyway and had a tune of fun. This was also the second time since my sister started dating her boyfriend that she got to spend it with our dad.
On Sunday my dad picked me and my boyfriend up and her and her boyfriend and took us to his house for an amazing family meal. We spent most of the day swimming and chatting and goofing around like kids I even forgot that I’m turning twenty-two on Wednesday and acted like a total kid all day. My boyfriend who is turning twenty-five on Friday had a few moments of realization that he’s getting old (his words not mine). My parents made an amazing meal and I ate to the point where I became uncomfortable, but that did not stop me from enjoying the pool in this heat. Of course I waited a few minutes before getting back in, nut not as long as recommended. My sister spent most of the time trying to “save me” as she tried to show off her none existent life guard skills. My head was under water most of the time. I honestly did not want the day to end, but of course that just made it go by faster. I loved every second of the day and would not trade them for the world.
My camera crazy day took a couple of pictures of our fun day and I thought I would share them with you.
Please Note that The Story of Eli Black will only be posted on Fridays click the link below to check it out and to catch up before the next installment.
Am Glad You Enjoyed Your Sisters Birthday.................From The Pictures Am Sure You Guys Had A lot Of Fun......,.,......Lovely Post
thank you
It seems you enjoyed a lot.Happy Birthday !!