Letters to my son from Mexico #4: Not a conspiracy theory after all

in #life8 years ago (edited)

la playa

Hi Son, how are you?

Just want to make sure you know- one of the main reasons I lost custody of you was because Mom made a huge deal out of me bringing you bottled, filtered water to school. She really wanted you drinking that tap water so you could get all the yummy contaminants and be "normal."

And wow, when judge Nancy Wheeler heard I was still bringing you bottled water to school, it was like a switch flipped in her little racist bigot brain. She decided right at that moment she was going to make sure this white boy got his fluoride.

Guess it wasn't a "conspiracy theory" that tap water was full of junk, after all. Even the stupid Huffington Compost pile admits 10% of the country is drinking out of lead pipes: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/lead-pipes-everywhere_us_56a8e916e4b0f71799288f54

And this reuters story is more about lead paint exposure, but the point is, these toxins are out there and exposure to them has real, significant consequences: http://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-lead-testing/

Did you know sodium fluoride, fluorosilicates, fluorisilicic acid, and many other forms of fluoride are used as pesticide? There are literally hundreds of pesticides that are various forms of fluoride. There's a reason for that- the element fluorine and compounds containing fluorine (fluorides) are extremely reactive, because fluorine is the most electronegative of all elements. That's why it sticks to bone and teeth, and penetrates the blood-brain barrier. But wait, the dentists say its for your teeth, and the government says its safe and effective for you to drink it... even though it's roach poison.


Well they are only half-right. It's for more than just teeth. It causes cancer, brain damage, hormonal problems, reduced fertility, and actually- you have severe dental fluorosis now (white spots on your teeth), which means you've ingested far too much fluoride. In limited quantities, it may harden tooth enamel, but when you see fluorosis in the teeth, that means your skeleton also has fluorosis, and your pineal gland in the brain will have crystals forming around it. Your tooth enamel will be brittle like mine. you may not have cavities in your teeth, but your brain will. You and Mom should know now first hand that even mega-doses of fluoride were not a substitute for proper dental hygiene. I tried to tell you that too.

The usual argument goes "Sodium fluoride is like table salt, sodium chloride." WRONG. Sodium fluoride is 3000x more toxic than sodium chloride, according to the known LD-50 (lethal dose in 50%) for humans. Too much table salt NaCl (sodium chloride) will kill you... and much, much less NaF (sodium fluoride) will kill you.

You may want to research what the pineal gland does in the brain. It's a remarkable little gland. Can you understand me or have they extinguished that fire entirely? Are you and Mom starting to wake up yet? Are you still taking drugs? I sure hope not. Young brains and organs can heal themselves but not if you keep pouring poison into your body. Your body is not a trash can.

Oh by the way, one of the first anti-depressants, Prozac, is a form of fluoride too. This is not a coincidence.

Glad that I could at least help reduce your toxic body burden of these chemicals like fluoride and lead during the early years, when it's most critical.

There's nothing I can do if you and Mom want to fill it full of toxins now, though. I sure would like to help you clean up your life before its too late.

Well it does feel good for me to have the freedom to tell you this stuff, now that I can exercise my free speech without having Mom send the cops to come kill me for violating a "personal protection order" by contacting you. Funny how some people desperately need to be protected from the truth. This is really the hallmark of the modern regressive leftist. Lies rule the day in that paradigm. People who live under collectivist ideologies have to be kept in the dark so they can be ruled over more easily. The best type of slave is one who thinks he's free. And believe me, if any of what I've written here sounds crazy to you, you are mentally enslaved.

LOL life does not always turn out how we expected.

Feel free to call me anytime. I sure would like to talk to you.

Love always



Here in Mexico, they haven't quite caught on to the idea that consuming chemical garbage is not healthy. It's difficult (impossible?) to find toothpaste without fluoride, so I've been using home-made toothpaste since I ran out of the kind I used to get at Whole Foods. I'll share my recipe with you- Its a simple paste made from baking soda, coconut oil, and clove oil. It has a salty taste but leaves your mouth feeling nice and clean. I've only been using it about a week so I'll let you know how it works out.

I haven't used fluoridated toothpaste in about 20 years and have not had a single cavity since I was a young kid. It's entirely unnecessary. All you have to do is brush 2x per day and FLOSS. Flossing is critical. Brushing alone does not remove food from between teeth. You had lots of cavities between teeth because mom would never floss your damned teeth.

The moral of this story: No amount of roach poison can make up for poor dental hygiene.


Hello! I just discovered you here on Steemit and am now following you.
I see that you wrote about VaxXed and Autism too, just as I regularly do.
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Hi- Thanks for the tip. Looks like you have a lot of good posts. Followed...

You have me rolling on the floor laughing here!! I hope they get it worked out.

Here in Mexico, they haven't quite caught on to the idea that consuming chemical garbage is not healthy.

And this..

Funny how some people desperately need to be protected from the truth.

Some, try over 90 percent.. Lol .. Even if you lesson the burden on yourself and not call it the truth but rather call it an idea; just watch the emotional reaction you get. Something is going on!!

I hope we get our metal health in order just as much as our food health. Anyways, we are changing all that by blogging and talking. Thanks for posting, fantastic stuff..

It's tough to find healthy natural foods in Mexico. Most salt is fluoridated here, and it's not labeled on prepared foods, but it's in there. Obesity is epidemic here.

Truth has become a 4 letter word. Good point.

I'm pretty sure Briden doesn't have fluoride, and is widely available in Mexico.

I'll look for it. Thanks. My baking soda, coconut, clove oil stuff actually works well though. I'm still using that and will probably stick with it cause it also doesn't have SLS, and it's cheap.