Nice article...eating plays a big role on body odor, I'm vegetarian and since I stopped meat and unhealthy food, my body odor changed.. I rarely use deo..just in special cases..
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Nice article...eating plays a big role on body odor, I'm vegetarian and since I stopped meat and unhealthy food, my body odor changed.. I rarely use deo..just in special cases..
Same here. I changed my diet due to back issues. White coats and chiropractors blamed it on a car accident I was in during my late teens. Never had any issues until I hit my mid thirties. Needless to say. years of the docs and their BS including the money they raped me of led me down a path of detox. Turns out, I was acidic, had a backed up lymph system and my kidneys weren't working properly. I went raw mainly fruits and veggies for a year. Cheats here and there but pretty hard core and voila no back issues. To this day I'm still a vegetarian and no more doctors. One of the many bonuses is very little if any body odor. When I was on the SAD diet I could take a shower and still have body odor. Now, I can work outside and hardly have any if at all. It's a pretty cool side effect of the right diet for the human body. Wanna learn more? Check out Dr. Morse on YT. Garbage in, garbage out as I always say but if your body is not working properly due to years of a bad diet (SAD) the garbage stays in and that's where the problems begin. Diet has everything to do with many things including this. JMO and personal experience.