A beautiful experience. Who knows what it means exactly ... but maybe it doesn't matter. Whatever the cause, the effect is a thing in-and-of-itself. You've had a tough couple of years regarding illness. Hang in there girl.
A beautiful experience. Who knows what it means exactly ... but maybe it doesn't matter. Whatever the cause, the effect is a thing in-and-of-itself. You've had a tough couple of years regarding illness. Hang in there girl.
Thank you Quill! It was so surreal and so beautiful, and you're right, it doesn't matter about the cause etc. What matters is how it made me feel, which was incredibly blessed and fortunate.
Yep, there's been plenty of illness over the last little bit, but do you know what? There's been so much good during that time too; illness really has a way of either dragging you down, or making you realize what's important in life. I've made a conscious decision to go with door number two on that one :)
Thanks for stopping by Quill.
At the end of all this, you're going to be a poet too. You're getting philosophical.
haha I've always been philosophical and a bit of a closet poet :)