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RE: WEEKEND REWIND: Shweitzer Mountain Resort Fall Fest!

in #life7 years ago


Looks like your having fun and eating food as usual ;-)>

I like that jewelry, I love to work with copper and have made lots of jewelry with it my self.

I didn't do anything "special" for labor day as I don't celebrate holidays. However I am super grateful to live my EXTRAORDINARY life EVERY DAY! Thats special in its own way =)>

I do go to fairs/festivals somewhat often, though its always to speak or have a booth. I am just so committed to the cause that every day is building a better world. Its kinda like I work every day or like I play every day....Depends on the perspective. Though my ideals, responsibilities and purpose are always at the forefront of my mind.

Now I am beginning to ramble eternal musings. Time to get back to work! I mean play! I mean work! haha


I'd like to think of it as play also.

I understand your stance on 'holidays.' I for one don't feel like I am a celebrator of days such as Labor, Memorial, the 4th, etc. When you go down the rabbit hole of all the origins of these days, then it will really cause you not to recognize these days. However, I live in a society that takes those days 'off' and typically special events happen in or around those days. I see no problem in enjoying the love and energy that is created by people being together

Of course!

The best part of life is enjoying the love and creation of being together!

I see you live a very happy and love full life. I like that more about you than your AMAZING cuisine!

I do that too, just in a New Paradigm~*~

My cuisine is just a vehicle for sharing the love. Thank you for thinking it is amazing.

Yes I have noticed that!
That is the main reason I like you and your food posts! I can feel the love. There are quite a few people posting food pics on here where food is a money making product most of all. I can notice that too.