in #life5 years ago (edited)

Ana gofundme.jpeg
(The source of the above photo is from the gofundme project. The link is found below)

I recently came across a post from @marriakjozhe, on a gofundme project that touched me deeply. I will share the post's link, as well as the link for the gofundme project.

The link for the post by @marriakjozhe is Please use a translation software like to translate her post from Spanish into your native language. Some web browsers can translate a page as well.

I would also like to thank @danielvehe for bringing this to my attention.

The above young lady is Ana Hurtado Aponte and she is 8 month old, from the great country of Venezuela. I normally find a nice flower to attract viewers to open my post. This time I believe Ana is a much more beautiful flower than any I could photograph.

Ana has a brain tumor called craniopharyngioma. I know a lot of medical terminology, but when I run across the names of cancers/tumors it is a little beyond me to explain in detail. I will let the gofundme project and @marriakjozhe's post do that:,45-6fe5a3d30b444a22%26pc=wa_co_campmgmt_w%26utm_medium=social%26utm_source=whatsapp%26utm_campaign=p_lico%2Bshare-sheet

In the event Ana does not receive brain surgery soon she could lose her ability to see and be mobile. This could be permanent. As with any surgery this is expensive, and with it being surgery on the brain it is more than likely much more expensive. The gofundme project is approximately half way to its goal, and according to their website that is in 9 days. I hope I am doing my small part in bringing awareness of Ana's situation to more people

I have already donated some money to this fund, and will donate 100% of earnings from this post to help Ana. In addition to this if you can donate directly through gofundme using the above link. Any amount can help...


The following translation is from using, and I hope the translation is good enough to get the message through.

Spanish text: (La siguiente traducción es del uso de, y espero que la traducción sea lo suficientemente buena para transmitir el mensaje.)

Hace poco me encontré con una publicación de @marriakjozhe, sobre un proyecto de gofundme que me conmovió profundamente. Compartiré el enlace de la publicación, así como el enlace del proyecto gofundme.

El enlace para la publicación de @marriakjozhe es Utilice un software de traducción como para traducir su publicación del español a su idioma nativo. Algunos navegadores web pueden traducir una página también.

También me gustaría agradecer a @danielvehe por traerme esto a mi atención.

La joven de arriba es Ana Hurtado Aponte y tiene 8 meses de edad, del gran país de Venezuela. Normalmente encuentro una bonita flor para atraer a los espectadores a abrir mi publicación. Esta vez creo que Ana es una flor mucho más hermosa que cualquiera que pudiera fotografiar.

Ana tiene un tumor cerebral llamado craneofaringioma. Conozco mucha terminología médica, pero cuando me encuentro con los nombres de los cánceres / tumores es un poco más allá de mi explicación detallada. Dejaré que el proyecto gofundme y la publicación de @ marriakjozhe hagan eso:,45-6fe5a3db.b444a22%26_asocial_es_asumas_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_caras_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_campo_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es_es/es/campo> hoja

En el caso de que Ana no reciba cirugía cerebral, pronto podría perder su capacidad de ver y ser móvil. Esto podría ser permanente. Como con cualquier cirugía, esto es costoso, y dado que es una cirugía en el cerebro, es más probable que sea mucho más costoso. El proyecto gofundme está aproximadamente a mitad de camino de su objetivo y, según su sitio web, está en 9 días. Espero estar haciendo mi pequeña parte para concienciar sobre la situación de Ana a más personas

Ya he donado algo de dinero para este fondo y donaré el 100% de los ingresos de esta publicación para ayudar a Ana. Además, si puede donar directamente a través de gofundme mediante el enlace anterior. Cualquier cantidad puede ayudar ...



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Resteem ...

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Thank you very much!

Donation for Ana is sent to your wallet

Regards @xpilar

Thank you very much. I received it and will combine with other donations to send to gofundme for Ana.

I will include an accounting of donations in my next post, which would be at the latest this coming weekend.

Wow really look and beautiful baby. the wonderful photography.

Thank you for visiting.

very beautiful baby and very nice photos my dear friend @r2cornell

God heal her from illness

Thank you for visiting.

Wao she is so so cute girl. Glad to this this now she is fine. And great and very wonderful flower. Thanks for sharing.@r2cornell.

Thank you for visiting.

Very touching message @r2cornell and I wish you great health Ana!

Thank you I appreciate it.

Thank you for supporting and this beautiful gesture

I appreciate it. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

end of post graphic.png

Se lo agradezco. Gracias por traerme esto a la atención.

Cute Beautiful Baby

Thank you for visiting.

very cute... but touch my mind when i know the main issue. pathetic. anyway thanks for share this.

Thank you for visiting.

he looks really funny. I like. but unfortunately a funny child like him has a tumor. I hope to God, that the tumor can be removed so that he can recover.

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Thank you. Let us hope.

Donation 20 steem for Ana is sent to your wallet

Thank you very much. I appreciate it!

I am keeping track of what comes into wallet and will pass the word when I convert to USD and send on to gofundme.

You are welcome, and great work man, I am salute your work

Resteemed this 🙏

Thank you very much. I appreciate it!

Amr o kaj korte parbi ami

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Oh my gosh! She looks so innocent and I feel so sorry that she has a serious issue. I will pray for this little angel. I just sent 5 Steem to her way for a little help. :)

Thank you very much. I appreciate it!

I will be keeping track of donations of steem and will let everyone know when I send the donations to gofundme on behalf of Ana. That will be in addition to earning from this post.

You are such a kind man I have ever met in my life. I am also blessed having you as a social friend. Keep tracking and helping such deserving people who badly needs your help.

Keep it up!!

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Muchas gracias. Soy estudiante de medicina que tiene mucha inclinación por el area de medicina interna. Yo inicie la carrera pensando que queria ser pediatra como quienes me salvaron la vida pero mientras conoci la carrera supe que no tenia el valor de soportar ver a un niño sufriendo, no podía tratarlo y verlos llorar, me deprimia cada vez que veo un niño enfermo, en fin no puedo tratarlo. Cuando atiendes adultos puedes ver las cosas como "el ciclo de la vida" pero no he logrado hallar una puerta que me abra la mente para entender como los niños se enferman ¿por qué si ellos no hacen daño a nadie? Y asi mismo ¿por qué esta pequeña tiene que sufrir cancer? ¿por qué puede quedarse ciega sin siquiera saber lo bello que es ver? ¿por qué se le quitan las posibilidades? ¿por qué? Bueno, yo fui un milagro hace 24 años, naci a las 26 semanas como un "parto de producto inmaduro" y aquí estoy, me decian que no iba a caminar y hablar, bueno a mi mamá le decían y les estoy escribiendo. Y les estoy escribiendo por el milagro hecho por los humanos. Gracias por ayudarnos a hacer de Ana un milagro.

The following is a translation of what @marriakjozhe wrote (she is one of the two people who brought Ana's situation and the gofundme project to my attention):

Thank you very much. I am a medical student who has a great inclination for the area of internal medicine. I started the career thinking that I wanted to be a pediatrician as those who saved my life but while I knew the career I knew that I did not have the courage to bear to see a child suffering, I could not treat him and see them cry, I get depressed every time I see a sick child, in the end I can not treat him. When you attend adults you can see things as "the cycle of life" but I haven't managed to find a door that opens my mind to understand how children get sick, why if they don't hurt anyone? And why does this little girl have to suffer cancer? Why can she go blind without even knowing how beautiful it is to see? Why are the possibilities taken away? Why? Well, I was a miracle 24 years ago, I was born at 26 weeks as a "birth of immature product" and here I am, I was told that I was not going to walk and talk, well my mom was told and I am writing. And I am writing to you for the miracle done by humans. Thank you for helping us make Ana a miracle.

Gracias por comentar este post, y por llamar mi atención sobre la situación de Ana. Continúo recibiendo algunas donaciones además de las ganancias de este puesto. Todo será enviado al proyecto gofundme de Ana.

Voy a utilizar un programa de traducción y añadir una segunda respuesta que será la traducción de lo que usted escribió.

Creo que entiendo un poco lo que debe ser si usted se dedica a la pediatría. Pasé 49 años trabajando en muchas áreas de rehabilitación (todavía cuido a adultos discapacitados en nuestra casa). Me di cuenta de que había ciertas áreas o grupos de discapacidad con los que no era bueno trabajar. Como tú, era difícil mantener mis emociones fuera de esto. Para ser eficaz es necesario ser capaz de hacerlo.

Mi situación es un poco diferente en la vida, aparte de un par de lesiones importantes en la cabeza en mis preadolescentes, cometí algunos errores personales que me dejaron cerca de la muerte a los 26 años de edad. Alguien fue capaz de llegar a mí y básicamente me salvó la vida. He trabajado duro para cambiar mi vida y he pasado los últimos 40 años trabajando para pagar esa deuda. Todos y cada uno de los días estoy agradecido.

Ahora que estoy semi-jubilado puedo seguir siendo útil a través de steemit. He conocido gente maravillosa aquí en Steemit. No puedo ayudar a todos, pero ayudo en lo que puedo. A veces ni siquiera soy consciente del impacto en los demás hasta meses después y en un caso cerca de dos años después. La respuesta a este post ha sido maravillosa y me ayuda a ver el gran potencial que hay aquí.


Traducción realizada con el traductor

Best wishes for her. May she get well soon.

Thank you very much

very adorable baby, very beautiful flower. two things that are everyone's dream.

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I am touched by your concern for people who have cancer

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Thank you for visiting

You are most welcome sir

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cute baby.... broken heart for this news. hope everything should be ok.

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Thank you for visiting.

cute baby may Almighty bless him.

She so cute baby. Beautiful as like the flowers.

You are such a nice person Cornell. Thanks for this inspiring initiative. All the best to little Ana, hopefully the Steem community shows a decent amount of solidarity here. I am happy to give this post my full upvote.

very interesting, hopefully the brain needs will be quickly realized

Thank you very much.

that's so sad

Thank you for the resteem.

Very sad to know that. So cute baby. May God bless her. Thanks for sharing with us. Resteemed

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Thank you very much. I appreciate it!

@r2cornell, Unfortunate to know about her and it's really painful aspect. And i agree that today flower picture is not needed because Angel Of Flower is arrived in this blog.

Hope that soon funds will be acculemlated and successfully her operation will be done. Praying to Almighty.

Your kind efforts will be backed with the the blessings brother. Stay blessed.

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I pray from the heart that she recovers soon steemians blessing will always work we are a family :)

Thank you very much. I appreciate it!

Saludos r2cornell

Votado y re-steem

Gracias por el apoyo a los Venezolanos

Regards r2cornell

Voted and re-steem

Thanks for the support to the Venezuelans.

Muchas gracias.

Resteems are a wonderful way to spread the word.

I hope Ava receives enough funds to go ahead and become someone to inspire more people on her journey.
I wish her the best of luck. She is such a cute munchkin!

Is there a way we can do a fundition for her?

Thank you.

Fundition may be a possibility...I have never delved into setting one up but I will try and put the suggestion out to the two people who shared Ana's story with me.

isn't she more beautiful than any flower I could photograph?

she really is beautiful!
It would be really helpful for us steemians to donate through fundition.
Even if the goal is not reached, the donation will still be withdrawable.
I believe its a win win situation and the word can spread further.

Thank you @blind-spot. I passed the idea of Fundition to the two people mentioned in this post. I also told them to contact @aid.venzuelia because they have used Fundtition. They are now working on getting a 3-way conversation about it set up.

I greatly appreciate you bringing up the idea...not sure why I had not thought of it, your mind must be sharper than mine! ;o)

also thank you for the donation. I am keeping track of what comes into wallet and will pass the word when I convert to USD and send on to gofundme.

Of course I will also keep everyone posted about Fundition.

Hello sir @r2cornell. After this maybe we are can collage steem for her from @r2cornell community ? How do you think ?

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@khaimi you can send me donations and then I will tally up totals and donate through gofundme. I will share documentation for any funds raised when it is sent to gofundme. Please put in the memo section that this is for Ana.

In regards to collecting steem or SBD from anyone in the community it should be sent to @R2cornell and I will pool funds, convert to USD and then send to gofundmme project for Ana.

I have sent to your wallet sir @r2cornell.

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I greatly appreciate the donation. I will be keeping track of what comes in the form of steem and then convert to USD and send it on to gofundme.

Absolutely I agree with you @khaimi... Will talk with sir and let's see what initiatives we can take...

@priyanarc : I will be waiting for your information. Its very great if next all of us make a post about it from our community. I will try to make it tomorrow.

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Repollo es un proyecto que tiene como misión entregar recompensas a todos los creadores de contenido. Tú puedes recibir un voto de Repollo siempre si decides adquirir una membresía delegando desde 50 SP. @cervantes apoya a Repollo, Puedes votar por ellos como Witness aquí. No te olvides de seguir promocionando tus publicaciones en nuestro [Discord](

I support this cause, and I am glad that you are lending your collaboration to the Venezuelan people. I already made my contribution in steem and I will also be supporting in prayer for the quick recovery of little Ana.

Thank you very much. I greatly appreciate it. I did receive your donation. I am thinking of making the contributions from donations later today or tomorrow. I will do a short post on it. I will be determining the current value of steem and SBD to arrive at USD value and then use my credit card to make to donation to Ana's gofundme project. I will do a short post documenting what I do,

Earnings from this post will be sent to that fund when the 7 days are up.

Prayers and/or positive thoughts can help a lot. Thank you.

Health of this girl, like all children of the world!

Yes. There are many children in the world that need help for medical conditions; or for that matter proper nutrition. I wish I was able to help them all.

You are a very noble person!

Such a cute baby and I wish everything will be fine soon..

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Wao what a strong situation. God bless Ana, I will be praying with my husband for her so that God may heal her. God is powerful to perform miracles. My eldest daughter was born with a cyst in her brain and God healed her. Anyway I will make a contribution to your account. Maybe it is not much but between all it can be more.

Thank you @r2cornell for your concern for this Venezuelan girl, I am Venezuelan and I know perfectly how is the situation in my country.

Thank you very much @blessed-girl. I saw your donation this morning. Thank you. Just in donations I have received 53 steem and 19.94 SBD.

I am very happy with all those who donated, upvoted this post, re-steeemed post and commented.

Trust that there will be more donations. I am going to tell other people to see if they can help and in a while I will resteem your publication so that others can read it.

Priceless smile cutie..

Really a beautiful little girl. It's a pity if a child as small as her must face cancer in her body. I wish God provide healing for Ana.

Thank you very much! I meant to include a phrase to keep Ana in our thoughts and prayers.

It was so bad to hear that such a beautiful flower, such a disease, such a big disease should surely pray that I will get well soon and thank you so much and to stand beside me to help a human being and I know that you always try to help people

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Sir thanks but I am Muslim 🐸

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Sorry...I tend to use it for most people. To me the Sanskrit interpretation is 'The Divine in me honors the Divine in you'...

Cute and beautiful baby. She will be better...

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My goodness, definitely so sad to see a Small child suffering really, it's really bad. I'm not rich but I'll resteem this whole knows someone might read and want to help.

Thank you @josediccus. Many do not have the resources to help, but by resteeming it gets more people aware. To me thoughts can be prayers and is that is send out I will always believe those that can help will be found.

Definitely hope that she can get help very quickly

This is good of you sir. I know Ana will be totally fine

It is very bad when children are sick so much. I think everything will be fine. God grant her health

Thank you @yuriy4. With all the positive thoughts and prayers it can only help.

Resteemed and 100% upvoted @r2cornell, thank you sir!

Thank you very much I appreciate it.

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I will resteem this post and ask others to do the same.
I will also sponsor bot vote.

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