Here's the thing. What really hurts the reward pool are whales like @grumpycat. @grumpycat likes to take the moral high ground allowing people to take his side and allow him to continue his abuse.
Whales could simply self-vote (like @grumpycat) and abuse the rewardpool. However, they figured "Hey! Instead of just growing bigger and bigger while snuffing out minnows, why don't I just give them a chance by letting them buy my vote?"
In an act of mercy, whales seeing the huge problem that is upon our economy started using voting bots. Yes, they're making a killing from SBD; however, it's not nearly as much as if they just self voted. So you see, the rewards are more spread out in the pool thanks to voting bots.
How is @grumpycat hurting things
Well, @grumpycat likes to attack rewards 6.5 days after post. This returns rewards back to the pool. This doesn't benefit steemians. It benefits @grumpycat. Why? Because @grumpycat is abusing the reward pool. While voting bots distribute rewards to users, @grumpycat consolidates them again undoing the benefit of voting bots.
So you all that think @grumpycat is helping because he claims he's going after scammers and abusers, he is the real abuser and collecting all the rewards. It's a con people.
More obvious example (If all whales were like @grumpycat)
Just imagine all the voting bots are gone and whales do what @grumpycat does (self vote). There's barely any rewards left in the pool for minnows, and no way for minnows to increase their rewards. Then what? Think about it.