Our daily lifestyle has always something to do with our health. Its either can make us healthy or even dwindle our body functions. Sometimes, we can no longer notice that our appetite to certain “unhealthy” foods has been overriding our adherence to nutritious foods. And we tend to choose the wrong food because we thought it is healthy as advertised in media. So if you want to be specific with your healthy diet to gain enough Vitamin and Minerals, here are the following food sources of Vitamins and Minerals.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that helps to keep our eyesight, skin and nerves healthy. It also helps in reducing any inflammation of the body. Consuming at least any of these foods below would also help those self-conscious people to naturally slow aging. This is because the chemical components of this vitamin helps in lightening up and maintaining clear and young skin. This is a good and organic way of keeping young physically without using any harmful chemicals and beauty products ("Vitamin A: Benefits, Sources & Side Effects").
Vitamin D
Don’t you know that calcium is not the only one that keeps our bones strong? Consumption of right amount of Vitamin D helps in improving the growth and development of our teeth and bones. This will help build denser bones that is prevents bones breakage and fragility. Furthermore, it also fights off depression because Vitamin D when reaches our brain would interact well with the neurotransmitters that improves mood.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E rich foods have plenty of benefits. Firstly, it balances cholesterol. This Vitamin fights free radical damage inside our body which would then result to oxidation of cholesterol in the blood ("Vitamin E Benefits, Foods & Side Effects").
Vitamin E also strengthen the elasticity and moisture of our skin which just like Vitamin A, would keep our skin young and healthy. It also decreases the risk of acquiring skin cancer, skin diseases and acne. Vitamin E would also solve the hair problems of bald people. It also improves and promotes the blood circulation to the scalp which results to preventing dandruff and infected scalp.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K would help keep our blood healthy that promotes the manufacturing of Blood-clotting factors. This would prevent the high risk of having bleeding disorders.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine):
This vitamin aides in the proper metabolism of fats, protein and glucose that converts nutrients into energy souce of the body. It has always been advantageous in keeping the nervous and cardiovascular system strong and functioning well ("11 Impressive Benefits Of Vitamin B1 Or Thiamine | Organic Facts").
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin):
Vitamin B2 iswould help maintain health blood cells. This mineral is essential in manufacturing blood components in our body. It also allows health metabolism of the body and also boosts and maximizes our energy ("Vitamin B2 / Riboflavin: Benefits, Sources, & Interactions").
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin):
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid):
Vitamin C has proven benefits in boosting our immune system.
Hope you find this helpful in making your healthy food choices. You can add at least one food in your every meal to make diet adherence enjoyable and still delightful. You can share to me your responses about Vitamins and Minerals.
I hope you would find time in visiting my previous blog: Wonder Benefits of Consuming Egg Yolk. Enjoy Reading .:)
"11 Impressive Benefits Of Vitamin B1 Or Thiamine | Organic Facts". Organic Facts. N.p., 2017. Web. 7 Mar. 2017.
"The Benefits Of Vitamin D". Healthline. N.p., 2017. Web. 7 Mar. 2017.
"Vitamin A: Benefits, Sources & Side Effects". Dr. Axe. N.p., 2017. Web. 7 Mar. 2017.
"Vitamin B2 / Riboflavin: Benefits, Sources, & Interactions". Dr. Axe. N.p., 2017. Web. 7 Mar. 2017.
"Vitamin E Benefits, Foods & Side Effects". Dr. Axe. N.p., 2017. Web. 7 Mar. 2017.
these foods are often overlooked but indeed nutritious
Very informative and useful post! I will use this information since I'm trying to improve my diet.
Followed! :)
I'm glad to hear positively from you @nikolina. Healthy diet is always the first step to Fitness and Longevity.