How to prepare the vagina for sex? Well I’ve heard it all now. It is not like it has a mind of its own. It is you that prepares for the moment---not the vagina. However if I have misunderstood the meaning of the question, and what is meant by it, for instance, smartening it up with a pubic hair trim, giving it a thorough clean or adding a touch of sweetness (fragranced products) which I suggest you don’t do, then this makes sense.

Freshness is paramount regardless. You’re dealing with a delicate place and therefore select feminine products carefully. Stick with natural types to avoid unintentional damage.
Despite the fact the vagina is a self-cleaning organ it needs help on the outside to remove odour and gunge sorts. It is not necessary to scrub and neither use strong scented soap as this can disrupt the pH level which is acidic with a pH between 3.5 and 4.5. Upset this and infection (yeast) is likely.
Stick with warm water for cleaning and men will love you all the more for it. The odour you might feel uncomfortable about and have the urge to be rid of is one that turns men on. Take that away and you may have killed the moment for him.
If vaginal discharge comes heavy as the same with menstrual blood by all means turn to soap but one not fragranced. As for douching forget it, that is unless a doctor says otherwise.
Cleaning solutions
Outcomes may differ from woman to woman! (Listings below are not medically proven)
Lemon leaves consist of a compound named limonene. Because limonene is an antibiotic and an anti-allergic agent it supposedly works effectively by bringing freshness, along with having the ability to clean also, plus, helping to maintain the pH. Another is Apple cider vinegar, couple of drops mixed with water of the same amount and left for approximately 10 minutes supposedly protects the acidic state of the vaginal wall. Chamomile oil is known to work well with odour as the same goes for baking soda.
Remember you’re in control of how your vagina looks and smells. Control includes a double whammy for you by using WATER. Enough of this and not only is the vagina going to be a clean one but a non smelly one too.
Take Care
Hmmmm...this amazing and i learned enough. Most women should see this and it will help even the men hav a great sex time with their women..@racykacy kudos and u won my vote
Thank you for commenting @meekcosmas it makes everything more interesting to get feedback. I have followed you... yippee have a great day @racykacy
I'm not sure if a kid could comment, but i just have to. My advice to ladies is that. there are some parts of the body that needs to be treated well if one is rejecting a bad odur; and that's your ampit and head hair. A shave and touch of perfume could be a solution for the ampit, regarding the head hair. little scent oil will do. Great post ma.
And @kuboskeey is back for another visit and provided some helpful information... yay keep up the good work. I have followed you because I like how you get involved my friend. Speak soon and stay safe @racykacy