the origin of my name "raddog"

in #life6 years ago

Some people take the name raddog quite literally.
They may find it cheesy or egotistical.
I don't fault them for that.
In some ways I mean it to be a literal descriptor, in that my ideas are often different that those of others on any given subject,
Conservatives find me liberal.
Liberals find me conservative.
If forced to label my political philosophy I would say I tend to lean towards libertarian anarchism.

I also like dogs although I do not have one at the moment, I've had them in the past.

Dogs are transparent and honest and they are loyal, those are qualities I strive to achieve although I don't always succeed.

In addition, in my opinion I find the name to be a rather fire and obscure MEME under the category "Things only 80's kids will get".

When I was a kid in school, they had these things called Trapper Keepers.
Trapper Keepers were 3-ring binders for Trappers.
Trappers were folders that had extra flaps that "trapped" papers and kept your homework from falling out.

These Trapper keepers had colorful designs on them or pictures of characters from popular culture.
Trapper Keepers were a kind of status symbol for some kids.
There was a Trapper keeper that some kids had that simply said "RAD DOG"
and it had a drawing of a skateboarder doing a 5-0 nosegrind on an invisible lip or rail in front of a trippy background.

A couple of years ago I managed to find one of these very Trapper Keepers at a thrift store for one dollar and bought it.
Around the same time I was learning about how in the U.S. our given names are capitalized both in writing and monetarily for the purposes of creating a corporate entity that our Social Security numbers are linked to.

I began introducing myself to people in real life as "Rad Dog", explaining to them that I prefer not to use my "slave name" anymore.

That is why my screenname here is raddog and why that is what a lot of neighbors and acquaintances in my real life call me.

That's the lore behind the origin of my name.
Thanks for reading.


Trapper Keepers! Haaahahah. Can't believe you found one.

It's interesting that you use the phrase "slave name".
The only other time I've heard that phrase being used was by an Aspergers guy in America, how preferred to be called New Michael.

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on why you don't go by your 'slave name' and what a slave name means to you.

What I mean by slave name is that they use it to enslave us by cataloging us and recording everything about us (often incorrectly) through their data mining practices and categorizing us into different group which allows them to make endless laws that simplify the process of controlling us and trampling on our God-given natural human rights and also make it easier to create the propaganda which they use to divide the population into endless conflict based on every difference they can find and magnify that people have from each other.