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RE: Mansplaining: Thoughts on it from a man.

in #life8 years ago


ok I will think of a different word to describe mansplaining. It's not that common, just really annoying . A guy explained to me about how the menstrual cycle affects womens moods a different times of the month. I could only assume that he was not aware he had a hormonal cycle which affects his moods and was projecting.So this comment lead me to a genuine query; do men not think about how their hormonal cycle effects them on the day to day?


I think men on the whole are very detached from their physical presence. We think logically and are the problem solvers of society. When our woman-partners come to us with their shitty day, we look to fix the problem whereas all they want us to do is sit and listen to them. We shun emotion, rather than embrace it. I've only recently learned to notice and feel the physical effect of the food that I put into my body.

Men are so detached from emotions and what goes on in their bodies it's unreal. I'm no different, as I say, I've only been learning about it recently.

So to answer your question, no :)