If you are anxious or excited about having a big show in front of you, can not sleep at night right? Many of us who suffer from sleeping in the night or sleep late in the night will suffer greatly. But it can be solved in a minute! How? Let's see here
4-7-8 or 4-7-8 method
4-7-8 'method
What you need to do:
Take 4 seconds to calm down and calm down.
Hold that breath for 7 seconds.
Leave that breath for eight seconds.
It's really straightforward. It may sound like madness, but it is very effective.
How does it work?
Your Adrenaline levels increase due to anxiety, so your breathing becomes faster. This method works like sleeping medicine. Thinking that when you slow down your breathing, your heart rate will also decrease, which will calm you down. It's a very simple physiology.
This same exercise will make your mind calm because you have full attention only on breath. You may not understand, but your central nervous system reduces its work, feelings of anxiety disappears. Any nerve doctor will ensure you
The result is that your whole body becomes relaxed. Its effectiveness works very much like an addict. Harvard Medical Doctor Andrew Wail researched that the monks of the subcontinent have been practicing it for many centuries. They make it calm down while meditating. This simple method is really quite compact and safe.
Why will it work for you?
Suddenly, in the middle of the night you have lost your sleep and you can not sleep again, then it will be useful to you. Think again that tomorrow is a very important day for you, but you have got to sleep in that tense, then you can take help of 4-7-8 procedures. You are forced to sleep.
If you want something more useful to sleep in the house, how to sleep?
If you want to sleep for peace, drink this mixture before sleeping
1/4 tablespoon honey,
1/8 tablespoon marine salt
One tablespoon coconut oil
Take it as much as you can or drink it in a glass of water, the effectiveness will be the same.
The mixture will keep your health at the same time and help reduce your body's corticose and make you sleep easier and peacefully.
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