Frustration "teaching teens"

in #life6 years ago (edited)


In our daily work, teachers must deal with many things within our respective institutions, where we have in our hands, the minds of those little ones eager for the knowledge we can impart, but in many cases, these "teens", own of their physical, mental and social development, do not know what they really want, so we must take measures that can help us against the frustration that comes with helping these students to pass the different subjects that have been given.

Because of this, I am preparing to write this post where I will give you 5 tips that will help you not only to teach in schools, but to understand that on many occasions, it is a matter of understanding their minds a little as teenagers, and of this way to help them a little in their development.

This simple manual is the product of years of work with teens, I know that I still have a lot to know and learn, and if you have better ideas, share them with me and with everyone who reads this simple post.

Tip 1: Never give up
It sounds trite, but yes, perseverance and not loosen the rope, is often the way we can generate discipline in teens. When referring to "not surrendering" I do not mean that they always keep him locked up, or with a foot in his neck forcing him to do something that they do not like, rather I mean not surrendering to him or her, it is a matter of decision of get involved to such an extent in the development of this teenager, that he or she can see a glimmer of confidence on your part to BELIEVE IN HIM.

Tip 2: Try good things
The teachings we gave to our parents 30 or 40 years ago, worked very well back then, but today, with so many ways of bombarding information on social networks, google and others, it is very difficult to keep controlled teens who are avid of knowledge (obviously of their topics of interest) so a good technique to be able to educate them is using their own weapons, "INTERNET". For some it is a bit difficult to get involved in so many social networks, Facebook is fine, but Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter and others, please! I know it's difficult, but seeing the adolescent that you get involved in his life in social networks, maybe you have the opportunity to motivate him to do more things.

Tip 3: Understand
Understand, a difficult word to accept sometimes but so important. Understanding is the key that opens our closed minds to a new world full of things that we can not even imagine. Many times I have heard psychologists say that "The world of teens is cold, confusing and serious ... take them out of there". But the reality is that their world, although different from ours, is "their" world, where they understand, dream, imagine. A world where the possibilities and their problems are infinite. A world that we must explore, with maturity, so that they can understand a better way.

Tip 4: Speak your language
Obviously, I do not ask you to lower yourself to your level and say, like in Mexico, "que onda wey" or "fado" I mean rather that, thanks to their rhythm of life, they have stopped using thousands of words in Spanish and they have replaced by mere dialects of a word where they express a lot. Understanding that language will help us as teachers to communicate with them. We are in a society that no longer reads, that no longer investigates (of course, they all look for it in wikipedia and only print it) but they no longer have the tendencies to see beyond what is in front of them. So being able to speak their language will help us communicate openly with them, without forgetting the richness of our Spanish language.

Tip 5: Love them
But how do you think ????! Is it very difficult, I have 30 students and how do you tell me that? well as it sounds, LOVE them, but really love them, without pretense, they know when it's a fake affection, they're smart enough to know that that love is genuine, and obviously, if you're trying to cheat, the safest thing is that lose their lives and never pay attention to them. So Amalos, when you really love them, you understand them, you are patient, you are helpful, you listen to them, you correct them in the best way, you see the greatness of their minds and that way you can respect them. So do not be afraid to open up your heart a bit with your teenagers, I'm talking to the teachers, but I'm sure that a Father or a Family Mother is reading this, and I know it will help them a lot.

In my next blog posts, I will talk a little about my adventures in my daily work as a teacher. So stay tuned. Greetings.


Adolescens* pl- Adolescentes *Dude c:
First of all: Please do not involve into the life of growing up children/teenagers with social networks as a teacher.Humans need their space...
Besides that do you realy think,that we don't know,what books are? Stop generalizing people,because it's impossible.We have all different lifes and memorys therefor we are all individual.I myself love reading books.
But for the rest: Thank you very much,i hope it will come to good use in my future c:
For now-Excuse my english ;)

Ma in un caso estoy de acuerdo contigo. Esta sociedad matar la creatividad :/

No digo que como docentes se involucren completamente en las redes sociales para hostigar a los estudiantes, sino usarlas en pro de sus estudios, usarlas como una herramienta sin afectar su tiempo de diversión. Solamente son ideas que como docente he tenido para poderlos ayudar en sus asignaturas. Aprovechar el uso de la información digital para un bien mayor.
También hablo español, así que no te preocupes. Gracias :P