Save your willpower!!!

in #life6 years ago

Hello Friends,

Today i am going to discuss about willpower and how we can save it....


by cambridge dictionary


"The ability to control your own thoughts and the way in which you behave"

The experiment on willpower

Few years ago one experiment was conducted in which two small group of peoples were selected
first group were given chocolate cookies and other group were given tasteless bread....
the second group was frustrated by eating that for half hour but the first group were happy because they were eating chocolate cookies....

In a break both groups were given a puzzle.... which was impossible to solve....
but first group taken 18 min to give up and second group just taken 7 min to give up because they have already consumed their willpower....

So, we have limited amount of willpower.... which we have to utilize full day....
we have also seen time when we were not able to concentrate on work because of some other relationship issue but, that issue affected our other day to day life....

How to utilize our willpower....

Do more important works in morning and do less important works in evening and night....

Example : I am very much found of watching movies.... Few months back i had a habit of watching movies in morning time and in evening i was used to study....

Then, i realized that i should change the schedule and study in the morning when i have more willpower.... and watch movies in evening or night.... So, this helped me a lot ....

So, we have to look at over routine activities and do most important in day and lest important in evening or night....
I hope this article will help you a lot to use your will power in more effective way....

Thank you,
Rahul Purswani