help me repair the guitar room

in #life6 years ago

Este post estará escrito en ambos idiomas//This post will be written in two languages.

Mi nombre es Julio Calderon, soy venezolano y soy el profesor de guitarra de la ciudad, actualmente llevo un año y 2 meses desde que inicie este proyecto llamado "menos armas, mas guitarras" principalmente el proposito de este proecto es de sacar a chicos problematicos de la calle y darles educacion cultural-musical, pero por falta de ayuda tanto monetaria como motivacional, el proyecto se distorciono de lo que al principio se pretendía ser, se mantenia la misma ideologia de educar culturalmente a jovenes, pero esta vez manteniendo un intercambio monetario para costear mis gastos ( ellos recibian clases y meterial de calidad a cambio de una modica y muy comoda suma de dinero).La catedra de guitarra funciona actualmente en una casa de la cultura en la ciudad de San Juan de lo Morros, Edo Guarico Venezuela, En la cuales no tenemos techo, toma corriente, corriente, material de calidad, instrumentos (ya que para algunos alumnos adquirir un instrumentos es monetariamente imposible) sillas, mesas, y muchas cosas mas, Las condiciones de nuestro salon de clases es deplorable.


Como podrán observar carecemos de un techo que nos proteja de los dias lluviosos y del sol, ( algunos de nosotros somos muy sensibles al sol, y tendemos a desitrarnos mucho y decaer por ello) .como podran ver solo contamos con 2 guitarras Una es personal ( osea mia) y la otra es de un alumno, mas sin embargo eso no nos ha detenido, nos rotamos y compartimos entre todos las guitarras, Personalmente admiro a esos muchachos por no decaer en las clases por ello.

(notese el estado de nuestras sillas, y de los alrededores, la fata de guitarras hasta los momentos no nos ha detenido, los muchachos han tenido una gran pasion por la musica que nisiquiera la falta de recursos ha podido romper), como podran ver tambien en la foto no sontamos con sillas en condiciones optimas, nuestra mesa solo con un par de tubos con 2 tablas que encontramos tiradas por ahi.

(nuestro ya gastado pero bien aprovechado pizarron)


Actualmente son 5 estudiantes quienes estan residiendo en el curso, de los cuales solo 2 tienen instrumento, (podran imaginarse lo dificil que es aprender cuando no tienes como practicar) y como podran imaginarse, revisibir a 5 personas en estas condiciones no es una tarea fácil.A continuacion le dejare un par de fotos para demostrar que apesar de nuestra falta de instrumentos y de condiciones dignas para aprender, igual podemos hacer el mayor esfuerzo y cada vez podemos llevarnos algo nuevo a casa.




Porque queremos el dinero?Pedimos de vuestra ayuda porque no contamos con los recursos para ello, entre todo los gastos mas importantes serian:
1)Los gastos de construcción para un techo y la restauración de la paredes y el espacion en general se elevan por encima de los 400$.

2)los gastos para los instrumentos se estiman de 20-30$ por instrumentos y se necesitan un estimado de 6 guitarras para facilitar a cualquier estudiante que tampoco cuente con la posibilidad e conseguir una, elevando el costo total a 120-200$.

3)los materiales de oficina, pizarra, marcadores, iluminación, sillas, mezas, pintura, manso de obra, se estiman en 400-600$.

Dicho dinero lo requerimos con algo de prisa puesto queremos mejorar lo antes posible para demostrarles a las demas personas, que es un lugar digno de aprender, (por esa razon es que solo somos 5, porque el lugar, las condiciones, y la falta de recursos nos hacen ver Faltos de etica y profesionalismo).

Es dinero que no tenemos, y que nos podrian ayudar a mejorar enormemente la calidad de clases que ahi se imparten, algunos de esos chicos usan la musica para escapar de sus problemas, y en la actualidad que alguien recurra a la musica para escapara de un problema en vez que a las drogas o cualqueir otro vicio es algo impresionante, y admirable, y esa es la razon por la cual yo cada dia lucho porque a esos muchachos aunque les falten 1000 cosas nunca les falte ni la musica, ni alguien que les hablde ella.

Sin mas que decir esperamos su colaboracion con nuestra causas, estariamos muy agradecidos con su apoyo y su aporte, una guitarra cuesta menos y util que un amra y cualquier droga, esos chicos lo saben perfectamente y siguen en el curso por verdadera pasion y convixcion, ayudamos a seguir mejorando, gracias y que DIOS te bendiga

My name is Julio Calderon, I'm Venezuelan and I'm the guitar teacher of the city, I've been a year and 2 months since I started this project called "less weapons, more guitars" mainly the purpose of this project is to get out troubled kids street and give them cultural-musical education, but for lack of monetary and motivational help, the project was distorted from what was intended to be, the same ideology of culturally educating young people, but this time maintaining an exchange money to pay for my expenses (they received classes and quality meterial in exchange for a very comfortable and modifiable sum of money). The guitar lecture currently works in a house of culture in the city of San Juan de lo Morros, Edo Guarico Venezuela, in which we have no roof, takes current, current, quality material, instruments (since for some students to acquire an instrument is monetarily impossible) chairs, tables, and many other things, The conditions of our classroom is deplorable.

! [49864287_721449651574916_3046381132951060480_n.jpg] ()

As you can see we lack a roof that protects us from the rainy days and the sun, (some of us are very sensitive to the sun, and tend to desitrarnos much and decline for it) as they can see we only have 2 guitars One is personal (bone mine) and the other is from a student, but nevertheless that has not stopped us, we rotate and share between all the guitars, Personally I admire those guys for not failing in the classes for it.

! [49896671_331162231066209_7319844704521027584_n.jpg] () ! [49864287_721449651574916_3046381132951060480_n.jpg] ()

As you can see we lack a roof that protects us from the rainy days and the sun, (some of us are very sensitive to the sun, and tend to desitrarnos much and decline for it) as they can see we only have 2 guitars One is personal (bone mine) and the other is from a student, but nevertheless that has not stopped us, we rotate and share between all the guitars, Personally I admire those guys for not failing in the classes for it.
! [49896671_331162231066209_7319844704521027584_n.jpg] ()

(note the state of our chairs, and the surroundings, the fata of guitars until the moment has not stopped us, the boys have had a great passion for the music that not even the lack of resources has been able to break), as you can see also in the photo we do not sound with chairs in optimal conditions, our table only with a pair of tubes with 2 tables that we found thrown by there.
! [49734937_2339404892939573_7326417954399059968_n.jpg] ()

(our already worn but well-used slate)

! [49693365_789582338044871_5010082894132019200_n.jpg] ()

Currently there are 5 students who are residing in the course, of which only 2 have an instrument, (you can imagine how difficult it is to learn when you do not have how to practice) and as you can imagine, revisibir to 5 people in these conditions is not an easy task Then I will leave a couple of photos to show that despite our lack of instruments and decent conditions to learn, we can still make the best effort and each time we can take something new home.! [49734937_2339404892939573_7326417954399059968_n.jpg] (https: //

(our already worn but well-used slate)
! [50340787_754761094885038_3627147654393233408_n.jpg] ( This information is available in this article.

! [49428950_368769393900763_3614060841797681152_n.jpg] ( of light of the woman's hand)

Why do we want the money? We ask for your help because we do not have the resources for it, among all the most important expenses would be:

  1. The construction costs for a roof and the restoration of the walls and the space in general rise above 400 $.
  2. the expenses for the instruments are estimated at $ 20-30 for the instruments and a minimum of 6 guitars is considered to facilitate any student who also has the possibility of obtaining one, raising the total cost to $ 120-200.
  3. The office materials, blackboard, markers, lighting, chairs, paint, masono de obra, are estimated at 400-600 $.

    This is the place that is needed for you to be a place worth learning, which is the place, the conditions, and the lack of resources that make us see lacking in ethics and professionalism).

    It's a money that we do not have, and that we can help improve the quality of the classes that are taught, some of which music is used to escape their problems, and the actuality that someone turns to music to escape from the problems. problem instead of drugs or any other vice is something impressive, and admirable, and that's the reason why I told you a fight because those guys even if they lack 1000 things they never lack music, or someone that she spoke to them.

    Without more to say we hope your collaboration with our causes, we would be very grateful with your support and your contribution, a guitar costs less and useful than an amra and any drug, those guys know it perfectly and continue in the course of true passion and convolution, we help to keep improving, thank you and GOD bless you.

pueden colaborar atravez de criptomonedas:
ltc: 32Qs39aNLkG93jMhJvgJfrxg2j8FNF6Z2r (minimo 0,01 ltc)
btc: 3LifyP9khC4k6Zk2WZHXDYwJokcnMWwrv6 (minimo 0,001 btc)
Sbd: @raidford

paypal: ultimamente hemos tenido problemas con paypal por eso no proporciono este menotodo

You can collaborate through cryptocurrencies:
ltc: 32Qs39aNLkG93jMhJvgJfrxg2j8FNF6Z2r (minimum 0.01 ltc)
btc: 3LifyP9khC4k6Zk2WZHXDYwJokcnMWwrv6 (minimum 0.001 btc)

paypal: lately we have had problems with paypal so I do not provide this menotodo Sbd: @raidford