How I got to be a freelancer

in #life8 years ago


As some of you already know, I work as a freelancer. I started when I was 16 years old, with a YouTube channel focused on promoting music for artists that were not as known as others, and when that wasn't an option any more, I started doing all kind of things, from web design, to graphic design, to writing.

However, my dream of becoming a freelancer started way before that, when I was in elementary school and I realized that after years and years of studying what school forced me to study, I had no idea how the real world actually works, how to take care of myself, and I had absolutely no skills that I could use to make some money and live a decent life.

That was way before high school, but since I realized that, I started carrying less and less about school and I started spending my energy and attention on other things. When I was 8 years old my parents bought me a computer, which was the best gift they ever gave me. When I realized I am not prepared for life despite being in school for around 6 years, I started putting all my learneffort and attention into my computer, and learn things that could help me in the future.

I started learning graphic design and video editing when I was 14 years old, way before my first YouTube channel, and some of you may have already seen a few of my graphic design works here, on Steemit. School never managed to make me excited about what I was learning, but 2 months working in Photoshop managed to make me want to wake up every morning and work all day long.

Sadly, while I really loved video editing too, I didn't succeed in making any money out of that skill at that age. My computer was really slow and really old, so I wasn't able to create awesome videos that would've got me some money. I stopped editing videos pretty soon, and focused most of my attention on graphic design.

However, as I said, when I grew older I created a YouTube channel, and that helped me get around $100 - $200 a month. Those were the first money I made in my entire life. It was the first proof I had that I was able to do something on my own, something that school never told me I could. And that helped me prove my parents that I can actually do something with the things I learn and that spending so much time in front of my computer isn't as bad as they say.

I kept working on that YouTube channel for around two more years, when things started going bad. I started making less and less money from all the videos I made, and at some point I decided it's just not worth spending so much time working on something without getting any kind of rewards.

So I started working again in Photoshop, this time uploading my work to websites like Graphic River and Creative Market, to sell a few design packages and maybe make some money. I was so obsessed with making money online that I even got to a point where I was working for more than 12 hours a day, just to make sure I make enough progress.

In around a year, after learning more and more about those websites and after managing to upload a few design packages on Graphic River, I started making money again. In a few months I made around $50, then $100, and then I got close to making, once again, around $100 - $200 a month.

A while ago, besides Graphic River and Creative Market I decided it's time to learn how to do something completely different, besides the graphic design work, in order to increase my income, and that's when I started creating all kind of short articles for Medium. I kept posting for around 40 days, when I discovered Steemit.

I decided to start posting on this website almost every single day, and interact with the community, and I can say this was one of the best decisions I made in a long time. Steemit provides a great opportunity to get some income, do what you like, while also interacting with great people.


This is how I got to make money as a freelancer, by trying all kind of things. I even tried other websites that promised a lot of money easily, like "ad clicking websites" or "e-mail ad clicking". In case you ever see one of those websites, just avoid them, because there's nothing for you there.

Anyway, while I told you how I got to become a freelancer, I never told you why. As I said, I wanted to become one when I was in school, after realizing that all those years spent learning things the teachers told me to learn were a waste of time. But it was more than that.

When I was 11 years old I had to go to Spain with my parents, and I spent one year there. I think it was the best year of my life. It was the first time I got to meet new people and learn a new language, and I can sincerely say that Spain was awesome.

But we had to come back home one year later. It was because my parents weren't making as much money as before. I started going to school here, once again, with my old class mates, but it was nothing like before. I was bullied, treated like an "outsider", and the only two friends that I had were bullied too.

I got out of elementary school being extremely happy that I escaped from that "prison" I was forced to go to every single day. When high school started, I made sure to keep my head up and not let myself be bullied again, and it worked. I also had nice class mates. But that didn't make me hate people less.

When I got to 10th grade, because I was in a "technical" high school, I had to work, with my class, at a factory nearby. We went there once a week, for around 2 or 3 hours. We had to work with the employees in that factory and help them do all kind of things, in order to "gather experience" and maybe get a job after being done with school.

That's when I realized how miserable a person can be if he or she doesn't do what they love. If you're forced to work for 8 or 12 hours a day at a place you hate just to get some money at the end of the month, survive, and maybe, MAYBE get a few things you desire, I think you need to change a few things in your life because that's not living - that's slavery.

I was so horrified with the way those people lived, that I decided I just need to do something else. I didn't want to work in a place I hated with mediocre people that faked 90% of their behavior just to fit in, with people that gossiped all day and that kept their eyes on the watch 90% of the time to make sure they don't work more than they're paid for.


So I decided to do something else. I decided to not focus on school and focus on educating myself with the resources I had. I started reading articles, books, learning new things, and eventually, I started doing YouTube. When I received my first payment, $190, I knew I could do something else, and that's how I started freelancing.

Right now I work on all kind of projects, from graphic design to writing and maybe, soon, game development, trying my best to get a good computer that could help me work better and use newer software. I never imagined making money online is so hard sometimes, but I also never imagined it can be so much fun.

The fear of doing something I hated for 8 hours a day and spend my entire life trying to survive made me want to be the person I am today, and work as a freelancer. And while I may not be rich, and while sometimes I have to work for more than 8 hours a day, at least I am happy, doing what I love, spending my time with people I like, and I'm not forced to do something I hate just to get some money and live comfortably.


Awesome story dude. With graphic design you should really consider looking into Amazon's merch program. I too am self taught and I've been doing pretty good with it.

Thank you very much, I will take a look at it! :)

i was freelancer for 15 years and now i am entrepreneur, I love both life stages ;)

Glad you enjoy working for yourself and thank you for your comment :)

very good post !!!

Thank you very much! :)

Very good post and thanks for really sharing ! Sometimes opening up can be scary but it is in the same time an awesome feeling, especially when others appreciate it, and I really do- I think fear sometimes can be a real good motivator, not when forced on you, but when you realize something that is scary and thus try your best to create and shape a better realty. We are all authors of our own destiny !

Thank you very much for your comment, and you are right, we are the creators of your destiny, that's why I'm happy I understood that when I was young enough and I decided to take this life into my own hands and make it the way I want :)

I really can connect with your story and i think the only failure, honestly, is when you give up, the real winners in life are those who never give up

Exactly, if you give up, the only thing you achieve is rejecting any possibility to succeed in the future.

I am a curator for ocd and I want to nominate your post. Would it be okay if we use one of your image on a compilation post?

Yes, of course, thank you for wanting to nominate me :)

I need to thank you once again for all your help! It's the second time to you nominate one of my posts and boost my profile so much, plus help me get a lot of rewards. In two months you helped me achieve my dream more than most people I know in my entire life. For that, I thank you! :)

Aww. I like your posts. They are hugely undervalued and it is my job as a curator to find nice posts and reward them.
Edit: I thought your post was rewarded by OCD but it was rewarded by curie. So probably it has nothing to do with me.

Thank you for your kind words, and even if Curie rewarded my post, I still really appreciate all your support and your initiative of helping me and other authors! :)

People like you are the future. People are always complaining about their job and how it sucks, but at the same time expect the world to treat them right without putting any work in. Good for you to be able to say fuck you to the meta and create something for yourself. I am trying to do the same. :)

Thank you very much for your comment and for your kind words! I wish you best of luck! :)

Great story. My son, @tvowcampbell just started on Steem and it is his first job. We work together a couple of times a week and I am really proud of him for it. I have been freelancing for 10 yrs full time now and dig it. It has its ups and downs but it can make money and allow you to live a life you want to do. It is great hearing a story of someone else starting at his age. :) Thank you. That's a terrific story!

Thank you very much for your comment and for your kind words! I hope your son enjoys being a freelancer, and I hope he has some luck on this website! :)