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RE: Humanity is overrated

in #life6 years ago

Exactly, those kind of people are everywhere, and it kinda annoys me when decent people think that by having a positive "everyone is awesome!" attitude they will solve anything.

Whatever we do, and whatever we decide to do in the future, related to pretty much anything, we always need to take stupid people into consideration. Otherwise, we can easily get trapped in situations we'd rather avoid.

For example, as you said, creating a platform like Steemit while not considering the fact that stupid people may try to abuse it to make some money with crap content.

Or, creating a platform like Tumblr without assuming that people may just use it for porn instead of sharing cute little photos of cats playing.

Or, assuming that self driving cars are evil just because there are not humans driving them, when those same humans some people consider to be "good and with great intentions" are the ones causing almost all the accidents.

I guess this is just the nature of most human beings - it's a lot easier to blame everything else, no matter what, than to think for even a second that we are where we are because of our mistakes.