Kinda long story short, yesterday I woke up and my heart was doing something weird. It was beating normally, then once in a while it was stopping then beating again pretty hard, at least once.
I thought it was nothing, so I ignored the problem thinking today it will go away. It didn't. I woke up with the same problem, only this time a little... "worse"?
Anyway, I went to the doctor just to make sure there was nothing wrong, and he basically told me three things: being upset, stress and being tired. Those are, likely, the things that created my "problem".
So, he recommended rest, he gave me some pills, and I have to make sure I don't get really mad these days.
That's why, I'm taking a break. I'm not gonna publish anything today (except this), tomorrow, in the weekend and I'm not yet sure about the next week.
I like what I do, I enjoy working, but I have to say, having to work from home, spending entire hours every day being productive and seeing how your rewards are not getting bigger, well, that's pretty damn stressful, especially when you need money.
So, I'm taking a short break, and I'm gonna try to relax, watch some movies, play some relaxing games and just having a "good" time overall. I'm also gonna have to think a little about how I'm gonna do things once I start working again. If needed, I'll start publishing once a day instead of twice, but that remains to be seen.
I'll be back soon :)
Sorry to hear about that. Wait a minute, if you are interested in being paid for the efforts you are putting I could recommend you a couple of places - if you have the skills then your clients will be paying regularly - just a suggestion.
I'm available on Discord with the same name.
Thank you very much for your offer! The problem isn't the fact that I don't receive the money for the "amazing" work I do (probably that's what people understood from the article, because of my poor way of explaining things, for which I'm sorry), but because of my lack of skills.
I'm still not really good at one particular thing, and instead, I'm mediocre in almost everything I do. And I need to solve that by learning and practicing one thing instead of focusing on too many stuff.
Once I solve that, I'll be able to make the money I want, but until I get there, I'll have to work and learn a lot more.
But thank you again for the offer :)
nice story is very beautiful story.