in #life8 years ago

                               10 MISTAKES THAT SMART PEOPLE DON'T MAKE TWICE.


Each of us constantly makes mistakes, but not everyone is aware of this. Some people repeat again and again the same, not moving forward and not understand what is the reason?!

When we make mistakes, it is often difficult to admit it, because they affects self-esteem. Actually this is a big problem, because you have to admit that something went wrong, to realize it. Only then can we draw conclusions to prevent its reoccurrence.

However, many of us are constantly trying to overcome itself.

Researchers at the University of Michigan found that there are two kinds of people: one fixed pattern of behavior: "not Even worth trying, I still can't do it", and others are constantly striving to develop "something went wrong! Let's look at mistakes in order to do them no more".

Paying attention to mistakes we have to fix them. As a result, you don't even notice it for yourself to draw the right conclusions.

Smart people are not immune from mistakes, they just always ready to learn from on. In other words, they did not focus on obscure situations, they draw conclusions and not repeat the same twice.

Please note that missteps are so attractive that we constantly do them. Smart people learn from their mistakes and don't repeat them twice!!!


                      And so, let us discuss 10 mistakes that smart people don't make twice.

                                   1. To go on about someone who seems intelligent.

Some people are so charismatic that it's hard not to go on about them. They tell you how many made in business and what you need to get the same. At that time, as some say the truth, you can easily meet someone who in fact haven't achieved anything and his advice will lead you to bankruptcy. Due to the lack of due diligence and being naive, you can lose a lot. Smart people are not afraid to ask "inconvenient" questions, because they know, in fact understand, thanks to them, you can keep yourself out of trouble. 

                                  2. Doing the same thing, to wait for the new result.

Albert Einstein said " Repeating the same action, it is silly to wait for new results." Despite the fact that it seems to be clear to all the truth, many blindly believe that two plus two is five. Smart people are not afraid of asking "inconvenient" questions, because they understand,  you can keep yourself out of trouble.

The thing is that if you do the same, it is unlikely to budge, no matter how much you want to hope for the best. Smart people know that if they want to achieve the result, it is necessary to do something for this.

                                                       3. To expect instant results.

We live in a world where on our phones can instantly appear in dozens of books, news travels very fast and to get acquainted with them anywhere in the world, and we in a moment can show a friend from another corner of the earth, what do you do in the moment.But not everything is so fast with the success of the work. To achieve results takes a long time and work hard. Smart people know that the results of the work should be able to wait, to endure pain and frustration, and then you can get a lot.

                                                       4. Working without a budget.

You can't experience financial freedom, is limited by your budget. Maintaining the budget at the level necessary to constantly make a choice between the desired and needed. Smart people will analyze how much money they have and where it is more expedient to spend, and then make a decision.

                                                       5. Not to see the big picture.

When you have a ton of responsibilities, it is very easy to get lost and lose sight of the overall picture. But smart people learn to keep everything under control. They prioritize and set goals. This does not mean that they do not pay attention to minor chores, they just know what is most important to success.

                                                       6. Not to do your homework.

Since high school, you seems to us unpleasant to do something at home. But the business is very responsible and you will have to work on it all the time. Smart people know that the right decisions can come at any time, and they are not afraid to work on them at any time.

                                                  7. Trying to be someone you are not.

It's tempting to please the people and get customers In order for who you are not. But in the end, it rarely ends well. Smart people never forget about who they really are and focus on that.

                                                             8. All attempts to please.

Almost all make a mistake, but smart people quickly understand that it is not really be good for everyone. They know that in order to become successful need to find themselves and their clients.

                                                             9. To portray the victim.

The media continually shows information on the people who have become victims of any unfortunate situations. Smart people understand that such manipulations and pressure on pity cannot continue indefinitely and still have to work hard.

                                                        10. Trying to change someone. 

The only way to change is to realize that you are doing something wrong and desire to change it. However, in our society everyone is used to influence someone and trying to change. Smart people tend not to do it. Yes, they may one day allow this kind of error, but in the end realize that I can't change anyone except yourself.

Strive for the best, don't give up, pursue your goals!!! Good luck and creative successes!!! 

Your rainbow elephant!)



You mention a scientific study in your post. Would you mind sharing the references, like a direct link to this study? This would be valuable for the readers who may want to get further information.

Thanks in advance for your consideration!

Hi! This is a link where you can further explore research at the University of Michigan and human errors

http://fincentral.com/10-oshibok-kotoryie-umnyie-lyudi-ne-delayut-dvazhdyi/ http://ikra-ts.ru/lider/leader-behavior/university-of-michigan-research

Thanks a bunch!

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