26 Things I learned when I turned 26

in #life7 years ago

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About a week ago was my 26th birthday and I’ve been reflecting so much on the past that I decided to write down 26 (maybe more) things that I’ve learned and lived by over the past years of my life.

These are in no particular order. Just writing what comes to mind 🙂

Be yourself. “Be yourself is all that you can do” Yes, I did quote Audioslave.

Be honest with yourself. You really need to understand who you are and to be honest with yourself so that you know what you’re doing and where your actions are coming from.

Surround yourself with positivity. Make sure the people, events, and even objects, around you are positive. There’s enough negativity in the world; no need to add more.

Care for those around you. You yourself need to be a source of positivity to those around you and help whenever you can.

See the best in people. Don’t assume the worst in people; try to look for the good in them and even bring it out.

Give excuses. Obviously I don’t mean this as a way to get out of something 😛 I mean to not judge negatively and assume that someone had a good reason behind what they did. Don’t be so quick to judge; you don’t know what others are going through.

Don’t drop your friends. If they are genuinely great friends, don’t drop them. Don’t lose them.

Do everything wholeheartedly. If your name is on it, whether literally or not, do it with a smile and all the effort you can give.

Take more risks. Whether it is conquering fears or simple tasks, take risks. Unless you KNOW it cannot end with a great outcome, then don’t take risks.

Speak your mind. Don’t keep anything inside because you’ll end up harboring so much and you’ll pop sooner or later. And of course, speak your mind respectfully. There’s a fine line between speaking your mind and being rude.. hehe

Reach out and ask about people. Just because they don’t ask about you doesn’t mean you shouldn’t.

Move on. Trust me, everything goes on and so should you. Nothing is ever worth dwelling so much on being sad and upset. Yes, give it time and process it but don’t play the victim.

Family is everything. They can be nosy and always want to put their two cents in but they’re everything. You’re even lucky if you have people so close that prove they’re just as close and just as important as family (blood).

Self control. Part of being honest with yourself will always help in controlling yourself. Whether it’s related to being rude, eating too much, spending too much, etc.. Always learn to have some self control.

Be proud. Our differences are what make us unique. Be proud of who you are and where you come from.

Respect. Always always always respect everyone; younger and older. If someone doesn’t treat you with that same level of respect (or more) then just leave.

Educate yourself. There is so much to discover so keep teaching yourself new things. Teach yourself things about yourself, your believes, your origins, etc. and learn new skills.

Reflect. Can’t say it enough. Keep reflecting on everything. Many people reflect on New Years to know make their resolutions. Go a bit further and reflect on your day-to-day actions. It’ll help knowing who you are as well as knowing your strengths and weaknesses.

Cherish every moment. Whether its time spent with family, friends, your best friend, or even just quality time with yourself, enjoy it and make the best of it because, I don’t want to be a Debby downer but, you never know what might happen.

Get closure. Closure is the best way to just put things in the past and keep them there. Don’t waste time getting stuck on something that’s holding you back.

Be the bigger person. Let things go and forget about it but don’t be naive either. If you hurt someone, go and apologize. If someone hurt you, find a way to make peace with it. It’s for your own sake. People usually don’t care so you have to brush it off and keep going.

Take care of yourself. You need to make sure you’re good physically, mentally and spiritually.

Everything happens for a reason. No matter what, you need to know that it all happens for a reason. You might not know what that reason is, and if you n=do know it you might not be happy with it. But know that it had to happen so learn from it.

Find a balance. I say this a lot and I try as much as I can to live by it. Find a good balance. Don’t go to extremes. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said it and ever since I heard it, it just made so much sense to me.

Give without expectations. Try to give what you can. I don’t just mean money, I mean help those that need it. And it doesn’t always have to be related to those in need. If you see a loved one that liked something, get it for them. Always give but don’t do it for the compliment or the “reward”.

Laugh. My favorite thing to do is laugh. Laugh at a funny joke. Smile at people everywhere (bonus: it’s sunnah), don’t be creepy though 😛 . Laugh at yourself when you fall; I do that. Just spread the laughter and positivity 🙂

These are some of the things learned and were reflected upon during my 26th year. Hope they help in any way! 🙂

Have a beautiful week ❤



Be yourself and know yourself are my two top tips. When you know and accept yourself, you begin to spread your real essence which at the very core is good.

You are very right!