Bringing Back The Song of The Week!!! (07Aug2018 Tue)

in #life7 years ago

It's been waaay too long since I gave you all a Song of The Week, so let's fix that!

This is my personal song of the week, because it has been stuck in my head for about that long. It has come and gone for years, though, because I feel a lot of connections to the lyrics.
Temple of The Dog - Reach Down (Lyrics) HD

Seven Lions - Where I Won't Be Found (feat. NÉONHÈART)

She's got an entertaining way to bring a vision together. Stirling showmanship at its best, here.
Master of Tides - Lindsey Stirling

True to form, I have to bring some Maytal into things.

George Ezra performs 'Did You Hear the Rain?' - Burberry Celebrates 'London in Los Angeles'

Rudimental - I Will For Love feat. Will Heard [Official Video]

Rachel Price is one the best, underappreciated songbirds of our generation.
Lake Street Dive - I Can Change [Official Music Video]

I've been getting into a lot of WOTE lately, so here's a favorite.
Red Hands - Walk off the Earth (Big Guitar Version!)

Cross Maltese.png

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Sheepy puts out A LOT of great tunes, and I like the one you posted. I definitely like Lindsey Stirling, too.

Incubus brings me back, and that chick can jam!

It's been a while since I've heard a Rudimental tune, I dig it.

I've never heard of George Ezra or Rachel Price, but what a voice they both have!

For that last one, that is one big a$$ guitar! They have some nice harmony.

To be honest, I'm totally new to George Ezra. Incubus was a dead ringer for the selection, and I'll probably be digging into more of their stuff all over again soon.

Lindsey Stirling has some serious talent!

lots of great songs... but gotta say, I love Meytal

A lot of artists I have never heard before. Thanks

Suicide sheep is one of my favorites!

Cool tunes, Bro! Lol