You provided the graph, not me. I just wanted to make it clear that while the graph shows an increase in autism, it does not show, that autism is caused by vaccines. Since you linked it without context, on a post on vaccines, I thought it would only make sense to provide above context to the graph.
Now, I believe that vaccines makes sense so far as to get rid of all the above mentioned deceases. However, having it all privatized to the same companies does not seem like a good idea.
But, how do you see the US moving forward? Do you want to get rid of vaccines? Do you want the government to regulate, that companies can't have monopoly? Or maybe something completely different?
Also I don't live in the United States, but I would agree with you (if you also believe), that most US media seem more focused on fearmongering for views, than providing basic facts. This, from my perspective, goes for all sides of arguments. It is more high octane media, than where I live, which I think also leads to more over dramatization and exaggeration. A problem as I see it, is that most people don't like watching down to earth arguments between people disagreeing on a topic. I suppose it is too boring for many, even if it would make more sense to finding meaningful ways of moving forward together.
Maybe it is also related to the more or less only two party system of the US, whereas my country have multiple parties to choose from, that all gets some influence - from far left to far right and everything in between.