Man someone crazy has gotten ahold of my steemit account claiming they are from the future or something. I reset some things and hopefully that person won’t be able to post in my name anymore. What absolute non-sense. If you go back and read some of the things he or she said, not sure if it’s a guy or girl, they must be insane.
I set up this steem account because I am an avid believer in blockchain. I have been involved with bitcoin for about 4 years now, and I remember when people would say, “the real revolution in bitcoin is the blockchain” and I’ve believed it. Steem seems to me to be on the right track. I’ll be contributing my two cents every so often.
Thanks for ignoring my crazy previous posts from someone who hacked my account. Hopefully I have this under control now.
Hola, me gustaría leer los artículos que escribas para la comunidad de Steemit.
True, blockchain is better a social thing like Steemit like you said, this is on the right track for sure. Thanks for sharing, hehe. You are awesome. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.
Good luck rayaboy and welcome back! :)
Nice post dear. Welcome to steemit and have a wonderful time here.
I have followed you, Kindly follow me back to be getting up-votes from me on your future posts.
Thank you
Stay strong mate :)