
Unfortunately my sound is down now, took a break for the weekend but I'm resteeming this so I would make sure I remember to watch it. Just a question:have you read Brene Brown books based on her many years of research on vulnerability and shame?

I haven't read much research on vulnerability. Most of my experience is practical; what I've done myself, and what I've learned through counsellors, psychotherapists and mental health professionals

I just cry whenever I feel like it which I feel all the time. When I feel angry I just try not to hurt myself. But depression must be treated medically.

I disagree. I've always felt there's two parts to depression. You can get medication but that only takes you so far. It's up to you to act on the rest :)

Luckily I had it when I was very very young and do not know how to kill myself yet during those years until it passed after some years.I had suffered depression, the clinical depression, it is different and requires a professional help @raymondspeaks it jst needs to be cured or the person could harm themselves.

Oh totally agree. In my first video I said it's advisable to get networked in. I worked with a counsellor, a psychiatrist, a psychotherapist, and a team of people that had been in my shoes before. It's always good to get networked in to a support system! :)

@cryptopie got you a $0.01 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@cryptopie got you a $0.01 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:

Want a boost? Click here to read more!

@cryptopie got you a $0.01 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@cryptopie got you a $0.01 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:

Want a boost? Click here to read more!

ya the black dog is a bitch -am now following you

Thanks man :)

if you do suffer from depression i have to recommend bananas --the potasium is very useful for brain balance

Not anymore. I rarely get depressed anymore. Medication to manage the dopamine and lots of activities to keep it at bay :)

very pleased to hear your managing well

Thank you :)

great vid as always friend

I agree that letting our emotions be as they are is healthy. They dissolve on their own usually. It isn't healthy to dwell and cling to certain emotions, such as anger or resentment. Good video.

That's exactly the message I was trying to convey


Thanks for a great post, lot of new stuff heared, thanks for sharing :) #keepsteemin

being vulnerable is so hard for me. I know i need to do it more often and I know the people around me want me too. Gotta get it going.

Yup. You aren't perfect. Quit trying to act like you are. We break, we get ill, we do stupid stuff ALL the time. I have quite a shady past myself. Am I perfect? Nah :)

I hear ya buddy. Great post. Thanks for the reply!