Fantastic idea, Bridget! People rarely even use a pen to write on anything these days, so getting them to connect with others in this way has become something of a lost art. You will revive it again! Good on you!
Fantastic idea, Bridget! People rarely even use a pen to write on anything these days, so getting them to connect with others in this way has become something of a lost art. You will revive it again! Good on you!
It is true. After spending years switching between organisational apps, I have reverted back to good old pen and paper. Someone told me recently that the physical act of writing carries far more emotional weight and purpose then typing. So you should always handwrite your goals and not type them up.
i very much agree with this! Usually i do better with any project if i jot it on paper somewhere in the process.--- And i just have a "thing for paper"!