One of the strangest situations I've ever been in has to be the moment I set foot on the beautiful beach of Es Cavallet. Literally some of the best scenic eye candy anyone could ever wish for. Fast forward a few seconds later and then it finally dawned on me. Everybody here has nothing on, and I mean nothing! From head to toe, everything that was once "invisible" is now completely "visible" for the world to see. I turned a bright shade of red pretty quickly as well as felt more than a little uncomfortable. This environment was totally new to me.
曾经让我很难忘的经历是在Es Cavallet 沙滩。乍眼看去,那是我见过最美丽的海滩之一,海滩无比宁静,水蓝得甚至有点儿耀眼。短短几秒钟,我感觉有什么地方不对劲儿,然后才恍然大悟: 原来海滩里的每个人都是全裸,从头到脚,什么都没穿! 受传统教育的我顿时感觉有点儿尴尬,这对于我来说可是全新的体验!
But after the initial shock wore off and I relaxed up a little, it made me wonder what the big deal was? It was all in my head, my social conditioning telling me that this was an unnatural way to exhibit oneself, but nothing could be further from the truth. Families, couples, people of all shapes and sizes dotted the beach without a care in the world and no hint of shyness about them. I was the odd one out here, lol. That moment made me see things from a totally different point of view (literally as well, lol).
最初的震撼过后,我放松了一些,想想其实也没什么大不了的, 对吧?只是我所受的教育和社会经历告诉我,裸体并不是展现个人的自然表达方式。但事实也许并非如此。家庭,情侣,各种形态的人布满了整个海滩,他们并不羞涩也不在乎世人的眼光,自由自在享受着大自然的美景。而我倒显得有点儿鹤立鸡群了,呵呵。那一刻我学会了从另一个角度来看待事情。

The Lands of Conservatism / 保守主义的领域
England has to be one of the most conservative countries in the world. The general consensus here of everyone towing the same line is very evident, which in practice has its good and bad points. But in the context of nudity, there seems to be zero tolerance. If a television programme shows so much as a woman's side breast at the wrong time (In the UK, that's before 9pm), the complaints start flooding in even though scenes of disaster and violence are rife across the news channels all day. If a mother breast feeds in a public area, which is actually a very rare sight in itself, she is hounded as indecent.

There is even the extraordinary case of "The Naked Rambler" Stephen Gough, who to this day refuses to wear any clothes. He feels he literally does not want to and can uphold his human right not to. This has got him thrown into jails numerous times, only to be let out and put straight back in again on the grounds of public indecency. This issue alone has divided the nation on how this man should be treated.
甚至有极端案例,如Stephen Gough。他是英国小有名气的“裸奔男”,直到今天他仍然拒绝穿衣,并坚持这是他的人权。他已被扔进监狱无数次,每次出狱,马上又以在公共场所公然猥亵为由被捕入狱。人们对于应该怎样处理Stephen有所争议。

Now I'm not saying we should all go around naked roaming the streets and not caring about societal values, but at the same time I don't think demonising the human body to the point of it being a taboo subject and something not to be discussed or displayed is the right way either.
The Virtues of Religion / 宗教美德
Religion plays an integral part of millions of people’s lives across the globe and for the most part teaches peace, love and social morality. However, most religions condemn nudity. See it as a thing of embarrassment and guilt. This representation of the human form has been passed down countless generations to how we perceive it today.
For example topics involving sex, although a biologically natural act, can be commonly referred to as "dirty" or being "filthy minded". The irony though is that "dirty, filthy minded act" is what got us all here in the first place! We are pre-conditioned from infancy to adulthood to view sexual organs as something that must be hidden and not spoken of.
例如性爱,虽然是自然的生理行为,却通常被称为“ 肮脏”。很讽刺的是,正是这所谓“ 肮脏”的行为,才把我们所有人带到这个世界上的! 从幼儿时期到成年,我们一直被教育着:性器官必须隐藏,不能公开谈论。

The Positivity of Being Free / 裸体的好处
There also seem to be a surprising amount of health benefits for those of us who prefer to be in the buff.
1) Clothes cause us to sweat more, which in turn leads to a breeding ground for bacteria. This leads to us being more prone to infections. Because of that "missing element" concerning nudists, they obviously don't have this problem thereby reducing many health related risks. Blood circulation is also improved due to not being restrained by tight fitting clothing and letting it all hang out like nature intended!

2) People who prefer to be in the nude tend to have more self-confidence! Seems implausible but I see that as being true. On the beach that day, as I mentioned there were people of all shapes and sizes, however everyone being as bare as they were would find it hard to pass judgement on someone else.
Clothes and fashion ironically are actually the symbols of separatism and exclusion in our "civilised" society. Designer labels, latest trends, they all play a part in making people desperate to fit in with the everybody else and feel insecure. Strip all these away and we all more or less have the same attire. Psychologically, this breaks down those limiting social barriers we city dwellers contend with day to day.

3) Research conducted in Florida, USA showed that nudist children grow up with overall better communication skills and social acceptance of others. I put this down to them being brought up in a freer environment without many of the social restrictions and peer pressures in life that we are all so used to by now.

So, have I convinced you to start stripping off and live the best lifestyle in existence? Lol, I know this topic can be quite a divisive one but I was trying to looking at this from a more neutral perspective. The human body is nothing to be ashamed of or some deep dark secret nobody dare talk about. That day at Es Cavallet Beach taught me a valuable lesson about judging others based on nothing but stereotype.
说了这么多以后,我有没有说服你开始裸体的健康生活呢?哈哈。我知道这个话题是非常有争议的,但我试图从更客观的角度来看待它。展示人的身体是没有什么好羞耻的,也不是什么别人不应该知道的秘密。在Es Cavallet海滩的那一天给我上了人生宝贵的一课。
We live each day hidden in our protective clothing, shielding our true selves away from the glaze of others thinking we are so different, when in truth, we all just look exactly the same underneath.

Clothes are a protection too, remember. Both from the sun and from the cold.
It's perfectly true that England is a prudish nation, and this is embodied by our dear old Queen. QEII has lived through the permissive society of the 60's and 70's but can anyone find a picture of her in a bikini? Nah. She's always gloved and hatted and in the country when walking her dogs she will wear a head-scarf.
Some of us find this comforting. There is a lot of pressure in other countries to be exhibitionist - to flaunt your body. And with this comes minute scrutiny and body-shaming of all the flaws that we all have. It's actually nice to be in a culture which allows you to say, "you know what, I don't feel like flashing my cellulite and wrinkly bits to the general public for scrutiny!"
Very true, freedom of expression is one of the most positive things about living in London. However, I feel we as a nation are viewed by others as a little uptight about certain issues and nakedness I believe is one of them. We are just not comfortable with it. I agree that flaunting nakedness for the sake of it is one form of extremism, but jailing people for being in the nude is another.
Again, as I mentioned in my article, it is a very divisive subject, but anyhow, thanks for your input! :)
Body shaming comes from not flaunting our bodies and only seeing a naked woman's body through the eyes of the camera man and casting director.
We only ever see flawless women naked that's where body shaming comes from. The more shameless women we have the better! The rest of us could see that we are all flawed and that's normal if it weren't for our fear of exhibiting our skin and comparing ourselves to an unattainable standard.
我回答你的是,我们都敢,我和朋友都会祼钓 ,不过那都是在岛上,没有女人的情况下:)
Great post!
I was really excited about visiting a nudist beach in Greece a few years ago. I had built up my expectations of it and was disappointed when I got there. Instead of the liberating feeling I was expecting, I arrived at a family beach, where everybody was fully clothed. Only when I walked over the rocks I found a very small secluded alcove, unseen from the rest of the beach with 2 women lieing on their front butt naked. The way the beach was hidden away and anybody lurking around would be suspicious made it feel quite seedy and I felt uncomfortable.
I was hugely disappointed in myself for seeing it this way. We continued traveling through Greece and Italy and finally when I got to the south of France I found what I was looking for! All along La Cote D'Azur women were shamelessly baring their breasts to the sun, the beach goers and the traffic on the road next to them. I have a vivid memory of a woman standing up bare chested, facing the traffic, to shake off the sand from her towel. Her tits flipped and flapped in every direction and she didn't even put a hand up to cover herself. It was wonderful!! It took me a few minutes to get comfortable but eventually I got topless and even laughed off the tourists making snarly comments at some of the French topless ladies. They fazed nobody. Nobody cared. It was just beautifully normal to be naked on the beach.
Lol, what a great comment! It's good to sometimes shed your inhibitions and just have a good time. I just like the relaxed outlook of life for people in certain regions of our planet. Normally, we have to watch out for what others thinks, are we not being PC enough, have we overstepped the mark. I say, just live a little. We've all only got one shot at this life, so make it count and make the most of it. Have fun!
Hell yea! <3 Followed. Upvoted.
Thank you! I guess I'll be seeing you at the beach! :)
Fantastic article @rea, really enjoyed reading this!
I'm honoured, sweetsssj. Thank you! :)
:-D I would walk around naked if society wasn't prosecuting it :-)
I know, damn rules! Lol. :)
Thank you very much for such an eye opening article.
good job!
Thanks! :)
another place , Amazon
Lol, it definitely doesn't seem to bother them. :)
People need enough courage and safety to expose the body and soul.
I mean some of people. For others, it's natural to expose everything. I don't know what have made such a difference
好像在大自然里人容易放下防护衣。在野外裸泳比在城市里裸奔容易。忽然想到,cn版可以来个口号:在Steemit 裸奔吧:-)
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