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RE: Can you fall in love with someone you’ve only talked with online?

in #life7 years ago

I believe you can! It may take a little more than love at first sight/type though to make things work. I talked to a girl for probably 3-4 months and we swapped pics along with day to day chatter. Picture it...Sicily...a crisp June wait that's another story!
This was back in 1996 before the likes of eHarmony on a very basic blah website that allowed you to find compatible relationships. They aren't even in business anymore ha!
Anyhow she shared almost identical interests to mine so that made it easier to talk to her immediately. It was kind of a serendipitous type of relationship where we kind of lived our daily
lives not really thinking about rushing into a relationship but forming that close friendship bond over our interests. We finally decided to meet in a public concert venue with some of our
favorite music playing. Both of us did bring a wingman to get us the hell out of there in case something didn't add up. We lived almost 300 miles apart so I had
some driving to do to see her. We listened to music that night, had enough to talk about to keep it interesting and in the end I gave her a long warm hug and we parted ways. I had to
get to work the next morning....300 miles away. The next day we went right back to talking about how great it was to see each other and wanted to get together again. I ended up driving
every weekend for the next 4 months and stayed at her place on the weekends. I do think it helps to "live" with someone and get to know them physically as that bonds you even closer BUT
having a lot in common got us there. As it turned out........I married the hell out of that woman (holding up a boombox)...20 years later and two beautiful teenage kids....our story was written.
I truly believe in compatibility. eHarmony and the like are even better today for that type of thing. If you want to weed out the weirdos, the alcoholics and the bullshit artists use the Internet, it can be a beautiful tool. For some it's as easy as running into their soulmate unexpectedly and others you have to dig deeper and work harder at it. I'm glad I dug.

"Developed" pic from her wingman the first night we met. Look at those awful matching stripes LOL. Gotta love the 90's! To my credit she still has her beautiful head on, unlike what her family thought was going to happen to her for meeting a stranger on the Internet.



Lovely story - and done so in true 90's picture style lol!