We acknowledged that a father is the provider in which we termed it the pillar in the family. On the other side, a mother is a friend, disciplinarian who is selflessly strengthen the pillar by going through the marriage journey hand in hand. If the father is the pillar and the mother is regarded as the light in the family and community as a whole. This is one of the values I learned during my school days that has been inculcated and translated to reality as I become part of it.

I know there’s a lot of fathers over there who stand firm in their duties and responsibilities. They are committed still to the vows they made during the celebration of matrimony. My respect and salutation for them. However, as I’m traversing this life’s journey its a sad reality seeing mothers who act as a pillar, in fairness to the latter. Who walks with their child/children in bringing and securing the proper education. Who works day and night just to address the basic needs. I may be subjective here and will just base on my opinionated ideas because of my personal experience, but if you happen to live in rural and urban areas this so-called reality is so vivid. Yes, there are fathers working but their earnings are just for their personal consumption and wants or the way around. Even though I do not know them (the family) personally but it makes me feel sad seeing fathers who came home from work not undrunk and sometimes hit their martyr wife and make chocolate blocks over their body and faces. There are also mothers who do the same thing and guided by the principle “tooth for tooth” in others words taking revenge.
It is a reality also that because of the irresponsibility of the two, their own children if not the elder will act as father and mother to their younger brothers/sisters. There are so many instances featured in television program where one member of the family shared their challenges as they reach their dream to succeed. I do affirm that there’s no perfect family in this world but by acting our responsibility in bringing our love ones in unity its then that perfectness is experienced here on earth.

What are the lessons I learned as a witness in this kind of storm in the family? I can be passive to this sad reality but as I’ve said its hurting seeing that pillar not standing as its design and the light hidden inside the cabinet. Storms in life is inevitable from the birth to death. It is made as our guide towards eternity if we have the clear grasps in every adversity that try to snatched our value as family. I am a pillar and if trials will come my way, I am certain that I can be a good father to my child. There is no other person who will be directly affected by my irresponsibility except my family, so it’s a decision to be good or not. The bottom line is our decision, my good and right decision to be a standing firm pillar or light to my family and the community. Its not easy to face such challenge but if its coupled with prayer, right decision will prevail.
Yours truly,