Raising And Keeping Chickens (Part 2)

in #life8 years ago

So you decided that all the pros of keeping chickens are worth the cons and you want them fresh eggs! Good for you and about a decade ago, I decided the same thing. So the next step to take is deciding what kind of chicken you want to keep and how to try and to keep them from being eaten.
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There are literally hundreds of different breeds and types of chickens to choose from and one could do a lengthy series of blogs on just that topic alone! (maybe my next project) Some of them are very large and some of them are very tiny. Some of them have feathers that look and feel like your typical bird feathers, and some of them have feathers that feel like hair or fuzz. Some chickens are bald in spots and some of them have feathers on their feet! Just the different colors and color combinations can be a determining factor when you choose which chickens you want. How often they lay eggs and/or how heat or cold tolerant that they are and their behavior tendencies are some other determining factors that you will want to consider but one thing is for sure no matter which breed you choose, your gonna need some place for them to roost (sleep) and lay eggs.
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When chickens lay eggs and especially when they sleep (roost) they are very vulnerable to predation and so you must take steps to make sure that they are very well protected. As I have said before, everything wants to eat your chickens and I can't possibly stress this point enough. In my next blog we will get into that topic. Be blessed...