Looks like I delayed my answer for much the same reason.. ;-)
What a beautiful compliment about my art and.. to my great surprise, about my writing? I feel very flattered, particularly since I normally avoid writing at all cost! Although I am afraid, I might not be really all that brilliant after all, I thank you very much for sending me such a big warm ray of sunlight this morning!
The Tarot is an incredibly complex system and there are.. how do you say.. different schools of thought? Different approaches, or philosophies, some of them competing with each other. My mentor was a very down to earth man and I always enjoyed his simple explanations, although his knowledge was beyond imagination. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of very narrow minded people engaged in the subject, and it can be frustrating, when they insist, that their way is the only one... Much like in any other field I guess. Wonder if you ever have such issues with other practitioners of yoga... but then again, I'm sure you could easily... outpose.. pretty much anyone (for lack of the proper word)
What you write in your last paragraph, is a perfect example for the meaning of the fool card. I have read a few of your older posts, but was getting a bit embarrassed with my comments. Figured, you must think I'm complete loony, with things I see for example in photos, which were likely made with completely different intentions.. I guess, this is where the second card comes in, the Magician. I feel my antenna is always out and there is a constant flow of creative energy... not always to everyone's delight ;-)
I am very happy for you, that you experienced your rebirth so strongly and am amazed, how you actually felt the fool theme in such an intense way.. it is very likely, that you will go through the whole cycle again, but some chapters may now have a different importance, or you are simply much better prepared and equipped to handle them!
Just saw your comment... I haven't even read it yet, but wanted you to know my first gut response - it makes me smile and I feel eager to absorb And reply to these, I'm sure, thought provoking words. Might take me some time, but just letting u know your words have been seen. 🙏🏽