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RE: Why I STOPPED Powering Down

in #life8 years ago (edited)

This is a beautiful preview! I love that you have this traveling 'altar' so rich with personal symbolism! I love that the shark is falling behind.

Also, I wish I could comment on your other reply (I'll just copy and past it here):
"Dan and Ned have saved me from a life of drudgery. I always struggled with charging money for my artwork/videos/writing/collages/photography/graphics. Working at a company just doesn't make a lot of sense, but I am a bad self-promoter. I never made it "big" because I have ADD I think. I change themes/topics/mediums like on a weekly basis. One week I'm designing shoes, the next I'm studying the flying machines of Tesla. I make zero sense in the highly specialized business world. I worked for an inventor once too........that was my favorite job....anyway, I do like to make people feel good. I'm kind of addicted to that feeling. It makes me feel less depressed/obsessive."

This says everything I want to say. It totally speaks to me! I'm a generalist with interest in art and science and beyond. More often than not, I feel torn apart. I'm terrible at marketing so I haven't been able to carve my own niche and I get so bored at 'a job' that I become self-destructive (manic, depressed, no focus or willpower). It's a terrible spiral. But seeing the work you and klye and the other "cultural creatives" do, and the success you've had in the medium gives me hope. Thank you for everything you do.


your drunk makeup tutorial was funny! I wished you were totally smashed though! then you'd be viral.....Do another one completely drunk, like totally faded.

you will succeed! Dive in, be yourself, your crazy self. The steemit community responds to untamed wild people!