Loogos wiki - Entry item: B.S.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

B.S. [Idiom]

Proven causer of specified phenomenon(-ym): Anonym

Acronym stands for: Bullshit

Approach to present a theoretical simplified
trivial interpretation(-ym): Name of cattle exhaust excrements

Commonly intended as idiomatic expression[-ym] for:
An indicative statement about something that is absolute nonsense and/or completely untrue.

Synonym for: applesauce, balderdash, baloney, blabber, blather, blether, bluster, bollocks, bosh, bunkum, claptrap, chit-chat, cod, crap, diddlysquat, dribble, drivel, dogshit, double Dutch, fancy talk, fiddle-faddle, flimflam, flattery, gabble, gibberish, gobbledegook, guff, hanky-panky, hogwash, horsehocky, horseshit, horse feathers, hooey, hoot, humbug, humbuggery, jabber, jibber-jabber, malarkey, mumbo-jumbo, nonsense, palaver, poppycock, porky pie, prattle, rubbish, twaddle, tosh, waffle

Antonym for: Truth

Pseudonym for:
At some point in the historical fiction of the north american narrative fabrication an elaborate orchestration emerged at the scene featuring two vastly different characters when it comes to features of similarity. As the tale progressed, and, besides the evidently pre-eminent deformedness of this two proven dopes, they were named Obama and Osama. While taken a somewhat closer look one could've realized with ease that in that particular episode the included BS was, in its entirety, quite depletive and fully fool-proof, interchangable.
[Footnote: Michael, another boyfriend of Obama in an interview printed in the (at most slightly) faq mag 'Chocolatey' commented squeaking when asked on the matter of b and/or s the following: "Whatever!", while showing off clear indications of arousal.]

Innumerable infinities of different occurrences whereas depicting fractally similar examples can be be found with ease on/in/at: Mainstream media, politics, religion, in your neighbourhood and possibly atop the mount everest, as well as in the brazilian jungle, too, most likely.


Interpretation of a guy called Snake Plissken, a known expert in that particular field of study: