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RE: Building Bridges; How Do We Make Valuable Connections in Life?

in #life6 years ago

We're seeing a lot of people these days actually making the effort to hang on to the valued people and get rid of the toxic people. I'm worried that the people they think are toxic could just be introverts who aren't to bothered with small talk and pointless conversation. I've seen a lot of people cut off "toxic people" within 2-3 months of meeting them. That makes no sense because you do not really know what they're like yet. In essence, we're basically cutting out our own possibility of finding valuable relationships

Posted using Partiko Android


Dear @reverseacid

We're seeing a lot of people these days actually making the effort to hang on to the valued people and get rid of the toxic people

I think partly because we can easy reach out to other people. We don't need to stick to our work collegues, to our neighbours, to people from our closest environment. With current technology connecting to people who share similar values is much easier. Wouldnt you agree?

ps. you think 2-3 months is a short period of time? I think you can most of the time figure out who is toxic to you or not within few meetings.


Definitely so. But I was referring to the people who find it tough to open up. Others might perceive them as someone who doesn't care when the truth is that they just need time to let you in. So yes, we need to find ways to figure out how to differentiate these people and give them time. Sometimes it obvious who will be toxic and who won't, other times not so much. We owe it to ourselves to give people a certain minimum amount of time.

Posted using Partiko Android

Im sorry for such a late reply @reverseacid

I just realized that I missed bunch of comments lately. Just wanted to thank you for keeping in touch with me.

Hopefully you had a great weekend,