Well, thyroid hormones T3 and T4, are responsable for many may functions in our body, between those, partially regulating our basal metabolism speed. So, low levels of T3 & T4 can in itself contribute to obesity and insulin resistance, I agree.
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I got into the best shape of my life and felt the best on a keto style diet. Mainly meat and veggies. I suffer from occipital headaches which i believe are being caused by an entrapped nerve in my neck around the c2 area, causing all sorts of havoc.
I would like to feel the same way as you do, being overweight is not fun, ironically having an excess of fat (energy) traduces to fatigue and unmotivation and a lot of metabolic diseases appear, like insulin resistance. I hope to lose some weight changing my metabolism to a keto diet. Do you still have the headaches ?? NCR helped you?? I'm curious since last week I had a patient with an occipital headache, but my superiors did not know what was the reason, so they just gave her pain-killers.
Start small, sometimes just going through the motions keeps the motion growing stronger. I would walk or bike or some form of cardio twice a day 20min each. I would also keep carbs between 50g to 100g a day. Also i use to pull all carbs out once a week besides veggies and also got into making smoothies both fruit and protein. Also there are some amazing protein recipes to make healthy brownies and such to curve cravings. I would look into IIFYM, if it fits your macros and do the calculator. Also if possible some weight training 3 days a week. I have much info in this realm. Ive lost over 100lbs a few times ;). Im in alot of disagreement w the medical community when it comes to headaches. Yup heres a pill, bye and that will be $200. There are many many types of headaches which require different treatments. As far as occipital, most times they are tension headaches from either posture, stress, certain foods or a mixture. Stretching/exersize, chiropractic, Accupuncture, massage, and health supplements. Especially natural anti inflammatories. 1st line of defence. I would recommend ncr to anyone even if healthy. Truly powerful. It gave major relief but ive only had 4 visits and have a chronic case. Im willing to do up to 32 sessions w the hope of a possible cure. Again in my case my neck is most likely the issue amd may have an entrapped nerve either from a muscle, bone spur etc. One step at a time on this journey. I hope to one day write how NCR has cured me. We shall see. Ty kindly and best of luck.