Greetings to the whole Steemian family, today I will share with you the benefits of HIERBABUENA;
- I remember that in the house of my grandparents, in the countryside, they used it a lot for indigestion, flatulence and stomach cramps.
- When some of us had the flu, they prepared infusions and helped us expectorate the flu.
- It was also used when we had bad breath because one of the components of this powerful plant is menthol.
- They even used it in the tea they made at night to sleep soundly and rest.
- And, for me, this is the most remembered, which I still use daily, it is used as a flavoring in the soup, for example, chicken, it gives an exquisite flavor. If you have not used it, I invite you to do so.
This is a photograph of my authorship, taken from my camera Olimpus Vg-170. And this plant belongs to the family garden of a beloved uncle, greetings to Enio Cordero.