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I introduce the customs of aceh.
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Saya memperkenalkan baju adat provinsi aceh.
Aceh province gets the nickname of the porch of Mecca because of its cultural customs of Islam from the Arabian peninsula, then one of the clothes of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam clothes that breathe Islamic culture for example we can find on the style of clothing.
Propinsi Aceh mendapat julukan serambi Mekah karena adat kebudayaan nya Islam dari jazirah Arab, kemudian salah satu adat pakaian Nangroe Aceh Darussalam yang bernafaskan budaya Islam misalnya dapat kita temukan pada gaya pakaian.
The customary clothing of Aceh for both men and women is an acculturation of Malay culture and Islamic culture so it is unique in the world.
Pakaian adat Aceh baik untuk pria maupun wanita merupakan akulturasi budaya Melayu dan budaya Islam sehingga sangat unik di dunia.
Men's clothing called Linto Baro was formerly customary clothing in use by adult men we attend traditional ceremonies and governance speech.
Pakaian pria disebut dengan Linto Baro ini dahulunya pakaian adat yang di pakai oleh pria dewasa kita menghadiri upacara adat dan ucapan kepemerintahan.
In the era of the history of this customary clothing called the era of the royal ocean pasai era and also called perlak.
Pada jaman sejarah pakaian adat ini disebut namanya zaman kerajaan samudera pasai dan juga disebut juga perlak
The clothes are called linto or meukasah suits, the common trousers are the Acehnese sileuweu, the sarong which is very well known by the name Ija krong, and the rencong of the hard weapon named rencong which became the traditional weapon of Aceh, as well as the headgear or peci and named meukeutop.
Pakaian tersebut dinamakan baju linto atau baju meukasah, celana panjang tersebut yang biasa Dubalang orang Aceh sileuweu, kain sarung yang sangat dikenal dengan nama Ija krong, dan rencong senjata susah dinamai rencong yg menjadi senjata tradisional Aceh, serta tutup kepala atau peci dan yang bernama meukeutop.
Luar biasa, tak bisa di ungkapkan dengan kata2
Thanks you my friend
Thanks bos @ricflo
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