So, here's the way I see it.
I don't believe in Karma. I think it's a fundamental misrepresentation of real world effects. Basically, morality has two dimensions; physical and spiritual.
A moral act (as we only exist as humans in the present) will have positive long term benefits and negative short term consequences. Period. Sure, you can argue around moral dilemmas and find examples where this isn't true... but that's looking for exceptions and ignoring the rule. Overwhelmingly, moral actions create long term benefits. Short term consequences is something you hardly need to argue, as this post already takes that as granted.
Meanwhile, an immoral act will have positive short term benefits with negative long term consequences. The short term benefits, again, barely need to be argued. Long term, though, is harder to convince people of. People see wealthy criminals wonder where the justice is in the world. But if you follow these people, their evil conduct will usually catch up with them. If they don't end up in jail, they will still have rocky personal relationships and be constantly looking over their shoulder for worse people looking to do them various kinds of harm. Does that sound like a fulfilling existence?
Then, there is the spiritual dimension. The quick way of saying this is: What does it benefit a man, to gain the world but lose his soul?
Corrupt, evil people exist within their own personal hell, crafted by themselves. You are the one person you can never get away from, so if you become evil, you are stuck with that evil. If you believe in Hell(I personally do), then you get a short term comfortable life on Earth before facing an eternity of agony. Meanwhile, the honest man who works hard and maybe doesn't have a fortune, instead having healthy relationships with friends and family, is far better off in my opinion.
I know what my choice is.
Thank you for that amazing response. I guess we can't really see the effects because they're not going to show you that part of their life only the good, the gains and if it all falls down it quickly goes silent. I guess the narrative just looks like evil pays off in a way.
I wouldn't want to lose my soul and I take pride in being a good person, I don't really want any of that other stuff. I just want good people to get what they deserve, not just about me, I mean all people who are good.
This response built on the post is a great collaboration :).
I appreciate and enjoyed the response!