This is such a fantastic article, Shadowpup. (LOL!) Some of the things you said really resonated with me.
Volunteering can be both deeply satisfying and soul destroying.
I've discovered this myself with the rescue.
Then this:
Those who seek their own selfish wants set out to not only thwart the work of the group, but to personally destroy and push out those at the centre of the group.
Uhmm...yes. Quite true. Heartbreaking when you see it in action. But it does happen, and is so predictable in its course.
Please continue taking care of yourself so you can share your gifts with the rest of us. You make like better for a whole bunch of people. :-)
as do you Rhonda, both people and our four-legged friends. Although you have the patience for more variety of critters than I have. God love you.